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Seismic hazard assessment for Guatemala City
Authors:M. Villagran  C. Lindholm  A. Dahle  H. Cowan  H. Bungum
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Solid Earth Physics, University of Bergen, N-5007 Allegaten 41;(2) INSIVUMEH, 7a. Av. 14.57, 01013 Zona 13, Guatemala C.A.;(3) NORSAR, The Norwegian Seismic Array, P.O. Box 51, N-2007 Kjeller, Norway
Guatemala is one of the Central American countries that for some years now have been participating in a regional program for natural hazard assessment and disaster reduction, funded by the Nordic countries and coordinated by a regional institution (CEPREDENAC). Recent work related to seismic hazard has included the standardization, reporting and processing of seismicity data across the borders, followed by regional hazard modeling. The work presented here for Guatemala City represents a step from a regional to a more local level, based on reevaluation of historical seismicity, geological data related to active faults, and attenuation relations recently derived from analysis of strong motion records from the region. The site specific hazard calculations indicate that expected values of peak ground acceleration are ranging from less than 2 to more than 6 m s–2, corresponding to annual exceedence probabilities ranging from 0.1 to 0.001, respectively.
Keywords:Central America  probabilistic seismic hazard  peak ground acceleration  fault and area sources  logic tree model
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