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Modern Dinoflagellate Cysts Distribution off the Eastern Part of Geoje Island,Korea
Authors:Hyeon Ho Shin  Yang Ho Yoon  Kazumi Matsuoka
Affiliation:(1) Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nagasaki University, 852-8521, Nagasaki, Japan;(2) Faculty of Marine Technology, College of Fisheres and Ocean Sciences, Chonnam National University, 550-749 Korea, Yeosu;(3) Institute for East China Sea Research, Nagasaki University, 851-2213, Nagasaki, Japan
Abstract:Distributional characteristics of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments were investigated in relation to environmental factors in the eastern part of Geoje Island, Korea. Samples were collected from 10 stations in February of 2004 and water temperature and salinity were measured in February, May, September and November of 2004. Total 30 taxa of dinoflagellate cysts were identified representing 19 genera, 28 species and 2 unidentified species. Among these dinoflagellate cysts,Brigantedinium spp. of which relative proportion in the total dinoflagellate cysts was 23.5%, was the most abundant at all stations except St. 1, and was followed bySpiniferites bulloideus (8.6%),Lingulodinium machaerophorum (8.2%) andDiplopsalis lenticula (6.7%). In addition, ellipsoidal cysts of the genusAlexandrium (Alexandrium catenella - tamarense type) andGymnodinium catenatum, known to be causative organisms for PSP, occurred with high concentrations.Scrippsiella trochoidea was also found; however, its cyst concentration was low. Generally, species composition in the study area was similar to these reported from Jinhae Bay and Busan Harbor and several dinoflagellate cysts reflected the eutrophic condition. Cyst distribution in the eastern part of Geoje Island seems to be influenced by the Tsushima Warm Current flowing from the southwest. The mean water temperature was 12.0°C in February, 14.7°C in May, 20.9°C in September and 17.2°C in November, which was most favorable forAlexandrium spp. growth. The abundances of dinoflagellate cysts ranged from 528 to 2,834 cysts/g dry sediment. Higher concentrations were recognized in sediments of west area of the Jisimdo than at other stations. The cyst composition of this area was closely related to these of Jinhae Bay and Busan Harbor from which currents flow into this area. Higher cyst concentration in the west area of Jisimdo might be due to formation of the gyre.
Keywords:dinoflagellate cyst  Geoje Island  Jinhae Bay  Alexandrium  gyre
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