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Urban land use mapping and zoning of Bombay Metropolitan Region using remote sensing data
Authors:S. K. Pathan  P. Jothimahi  D. Sampat Kumar  S. P. Pendharkar
Affiliation:1. Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad
2. Bombay Metropolitan Region Development Authority, Bombay
Bombay Metropolitan Region covering an area of about 4,360 sq. km. was selected for urban land use studies and for urban land use zoning. Urban land use mapping was carried out using SPOT multispectral linear array imagery on 1∶25,000 scale employing visual analysis tehcniques. Fifteen maps were prepared depicting the spatial distribution of various urban classes in the Greater Bombay and New Bombay regions. Sixteen urban land use maps were also prepared using Landsat TM data showing the distribution of land use pattern on 1∶50,000 scale for the entire metropolitan region. Urban land use zoning was carried out based upon suitability index on 1∶250,000 scale. This map provides information on the areas to be used for construction and areas to be kept under green belt in the metropolitan region. This study is a joint venture of Space Applications Centre with Bombay Metropolitan Development authority.
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