Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Department of Civil Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York 14260, USA
In this paper the applicability of an approximate Boundary Element Method to uniform half-plane elastodynamic problems is investigated. This method employs the concept of images to construct approximate fundamental solutions for the half-plane and does not require any half-plane surface discretization. The method is formulated in the frequency domain for the case of harmonic disturbances or the Laplace transform domain for the case of transient disturbances. In the latter case a numerical inversion of the transformed solution is necessary to obtain the time domain response. The proposed method can be used as an alternative to boundary element methods that either utilize the infinite plane fundamental solution and thus require a half-plane surface discretization, or employ the exact half-plane fundamental solution, which even though leads to no surface discretization, is of a very lengthy and complicated form. Two characteristics numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed method and study its advantages and disadvantages.