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Electrodynamics of plasma irregularities in the experiments with artificial clouds and jets in the ionosphere
Authors:N. I. Izhovkina
Affiliation:1.Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radiowave Propagation,Russian Academy of Sciences Troitsk,Moscow oblast,Russia
Abstract:Electric fields in the near-Earth space was studied in the experiments with artificial plasma clouds and jets in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The development of a nonmonotonous plasma density stratification of an artificial plasma formation, with the scale of strata across the geomagnetic field reaching several meters and tens of meters, was observed. It has been indicated that the electrodynamics of plasma clouds and jets, decomposing into strata, depends on the excitation and decay of fast oscillations of the electronic plasma component against a background of slow oscillations of the ionic component at frequencies of magnetized plasma electrostatic oscillations (electrostatic Bernstein modes of the plasma electronic and ionic components and ion acoustic oscillations).
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