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Morphology of HCN and CN in Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1)
Authors:L.M. Woodney  M.F. A'HearnDavid G. Schleicher  Tony L. FarnhamJ.P. McMullin  M.C.H. WrightJ.M. Veal  Lewis E. SnyderImke de Pater  J.R. ForsterPatrick Palmer  Y.-J. KuanWendy R. Williams  Chi C. CheungBridget R. Smith
  • a Lowell Observatory, 1400 W. Mars Hill Road, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86001, f1woodney@lowell.eduf1
  • b Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 20742-2421
  • c Lowell Observatory, 1400 W. Mars Hill Road, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86001
  • d Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, RLM 15.308, Austin, Texas, 78712-1083
  • e National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22903-2475
  • f Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, California, 94720
  • g Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois, 1002 W. Green Street, Urbana, Illinois, 61801
  • h Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 60637
  • i Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, and Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Taipei, Taiwan
  • j Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, 37235
  • k Physics Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, 02454
  • l Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011
  • Abstract:We compare images of Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1) in HCN and CN taken near perihelion (April 1, 1997) to determine the origin of CN in comets. We imaged the J=1→0 transition of HCN at λ=3 mm with the BIMA Array. Data from two weeks around perihelion were summed within four phase bins based on the rotational period of the comet. This increases both the signal-to-noise ratio and the u-v coverage while decreasing the smearing of the spatial features. The similarly phased narrowband CN images were taken at Lowell Observatory within the same range of dates as the HCN images. We find that there is a better correlation between HCN and CN than between HCN and the optically dominant dust. If the CN in jets does have a dust source it would have to have a very low albedo and/or small particle size. The production rates are consistent with HCN being a primary parent of CN, although there are discrepancies between the HCN destruction scalelength and the CN production scalelength which we discuss.
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