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引用本文:陈应军. 澳大利亚三维地质填图进展与实例[J]. 地质与勘探, 2014, 50(5): 884-892
作者单位:中铁二局第二工程有限公司,四川成都; 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室, 北京; 东华理工大学,核工程与地球物理学院,江西南昌
摘    要:三维地质填图是目前国际上实现深部找矿勘查突破的重要途径,其通过对多元数据的集成,将不同学科、不同尺度的数据在三维空间中进行分析和对比,展示研究区地质体、构造之间的空间、成因和演化关系,有助于理解成矿系统和开展流体模拟,进而预测深部找矿靶区。本文从三维地质填图的概念出发,介绍了三维地质填图的工作流程和常用的工作平台。结合澳大利亚三个三维地质填图实例,介绍了三维地质填图在成矿带、油气和水资源领域中的应用和进展。通过对澳大利亚三维地质填图的综合分析,提出了对我国开展三维地质填图工作启示和建议。

关 键 词:三维地质填图 澳大利亚 启示

Progress and examples of three-dimensional geological mapping in Australia
Chen Ying-jun. Progress and examples of three-dimensional geological mapping in Australia[J]. Geology and Prospecting, 2014, 50(5): 884-892
Authors:Chen Ying-jun
Affiliation:China Railway Erju Secnod Enginerring Co.Ltd, Chengdu,Sichuan; MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing; East China Institute Of Technology, School of Nuclear Engineering and Geophysics, Nanchang, Jiangxi
Abstract:Three-dimensional geological mapping is now an important way to achieve deep prospecting breakthrough, which is based on multivariate data integration to analyze and compare different disciplines and scales of data in three-dimensional space. This allows the researchers to understand the space relationship, origin and evolution of geological bodies or structures in the study area, and to understand metallogenic system and carry out fluid simulation, and thus to predict deep prospecting targets. In this paper, the author introduced the concept of three-dimensional geological mapping, workflows of three-dimensional geological mapping and software platform. Three examples were adopted to introduce the application and progress in metallogenic belt, oil and gas and water resources in Australia. The author also put forward some inspiration and suggestions to the research in China.
Keywords:3D geological mapping   Australia   suggestions
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