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Spatial object aggregation based on data structure,local triangulation and hierarchical analyzing method
Authors:Liu Yaolin  Martien Molenaar  Menno-Jan Kraak  Liu Yanfang
Affiliation:School of Resource and Environment , Wuhan University , Wuhan , China
Abstract:This paper focuses on the methods and process of spatial aggregation based on semantic and geometric characteristics of spatial objects and relations among the objects with the help of spatial data structure (Formal Data Structure), the Local Constrained Delaunay Triangulations and semantic hierarchy. The adjacent relation among connected objects and unconnected objects has been studied through constrained triangle as elementary processing unit in aggregation operation. The hierarchical semantic analytical matrix is given for analyzing the similarity between objects types and between objects. Several different cases of aggregation have been presented in this paper.
Keywords:aggregation  spatial object  hierarch  data model
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