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Neubenennungen lithostratigraphischer Einheiten in der Helvetischen Kreide
Authors:Schweizerisches Komitee für Stratigraphie  Thierry Adatte  Jean-Pierre Berger  Hansruedi Bläsi  Reto Burkhalter  Stephan DallAgnolo  Danielle Decrouez  Hanspeter Funk  Heinz Furrer  Yves Gouffon  Hansruedi Graf  Werner Heckendorn  Wilfried Winkler
Affiliation:1. Bern, Switzerland
2. Lausanne, Switzerland
3. Fribourg, Switzerland
4. Wabern, Switzerland
5. Genève, Switzerland
6. Baden, Switzerland
7. Zürich, Switzerland
8. G?chlingen, Switzerland
9. Brugg, Switzerland
Abstract:In September 2007 Föllmi and coauthors requested the approval of four lithostratigraphic terms of the Swiss Committee of Stratigraphy (SCS). These terms were to be used in their publication on the Cretaceous in the Helvetic realm (Föllmi et al. 2007). At its meeting on October 18, 2007, the SCS decided the following: The Tierwis Formation (replacing the Drusberg Formation) was accepted, with the reserve that a section at Tierwis should be published in the near future. For the former “Lower Orbitolina Beds” the term Rawil Member was accepted, but here too a better type section than the one at Rawil Pass should be published. The term Rohrbachstein bed should not be used as a formal unit because it describes only a minor lithologic variation within the Grünten Member. The term Plaine Morte bed for a thin condensed horizon can not be accepted due to the fact that its definition is based mainly on biostratigraphy. Furthermore, the duplication a locality term which is in use for a previously established lithostratigraphic unit should be avoided.
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