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Calibration for the shear strain of 3-component borehole strainmeters in eastern Taiwan through Earth and ocean tidal waveform modeling
Authors:Alexandre Canitano  Ya-Ju Hsu  Hsin-Ming Lee  Alan T. Linde  Selwyn Sacks
Affiliation:1.Institute of Earth Sciences,Academia Sinica,Taipei,Taiwan;2.Department of Terrestrial Magnetism,Carnegie Institution of Washington,Washington,USA
Abstract:We propose an approach for calibrating the horizontal tidal shear components [(differential extension ((gamma _1)) and engineering shear ((gamma _2))] of two Sacks–Evertson (in Pap Meteorol Geophys 22:195–208, 1971) SES-3 borehole strainmeters installed in the Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan. The method is based on the waveform reconstruction of the Earth and ocean tidal shear signals through linear regressions on strain gauge signals, with variable sensor azimuth. This method allows us to derive the orientation of the sensor without any initial constraints and to calibrate the shear strain components (gamma _1) and (gamma _2) against (M_2) tidal constituent. The results illustrate the potential of tensor strainmeters for recording horizontal tidal shear strain.
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