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引用本文:梁国付,丁圣彦,李志恒. 河南黄河下游沿岸地区农业景观格局演变[J]. 地理学报(英文版), 2005, 15(4): 415-422. DOI: 10.1007/BF02892148
作者姓名:梁国付  丁圣彦  李志恒
作者单位:[1]Research Center of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development, HenanUniversity, Kaifeng 475001, China [2]College of Environment & Planning, Henan University,Kaifeng 475001, China
基金项目:Human Geography provincialkeystonesubjectofHenan University
摘    要:
1 Introduction Agriculturallandscape is the m osaics ofnaturaland hum an-managed patches thatvary in size, shape and arrangement(Forman and Gordron,1986).The spatialpattern in the landscape may influence a variety of ecological processes,such as water run…

关 键 词:河南 黄河下游 农业景观 农业生态

Regional agricultural landscape pattern changes along the Yellow River in Henan Province from 1987 to 2002
Liang Guofu,Ding Shengyan Ph.D.,Li Zhiheng. Regional agricultural landscape pattern changes along the Yellow River in Henan Province from 1987 to 2002[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2005, 15(4): 415-422. DOI: 10.1007/BF02892148
Authors:Liang Guofu  Ding Shengyan Ph.D.  Li Zhiheng
Affiliation:Henan University;Henan University;Henan University
Agricultural landscape along the riparian zones is designated as important landscape components for partly controlling water quality, biodiversity, as well as for their aesthetic role in landscapes.Therefore,the change ofagriculturallandscape along the riparian zonesisatthe top ofthe agenda for many policy makers and landscape planners.As a basis for conservation management, sufficient information about landscape structure should be provided. In the present study, we reconstructed the formerlandscape structure and elucidated the changesin landscape patternsduring a period ofabout15 years.Two sets ofmaps were used:a landsat-5 TM image (1987)and landsat-7 ETM image (2002).The frequency index,landscape diversity index and landscape fragmentation index were calculated foranalyses.The results showed that:(1)the areas ofthe irrigated land,river,forest and beach landscape classespresented a decreasing trend while the areasoflandscape classesofpool, paddy fields,dry land and construction land increased.(2) Disturbed by human activity,landscape diversity index increased butlandscape fragmentation index decreased.In short,Human activitieshave had importantinfluences on agriculturallandscape of the riparian zones along the Yellow River in Henan Province.
Keywords:agricultural landscape  landscape pattern change  the Yellow River  Henan Province
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