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Die Rheingrabenrandverwerfung im Wattkopftunnel bei Ettlingen (Nordschwarzwald)
Authors:Ernst Neßeler  Michael Fröhler  Sebastían Lebede
Affiliation:(1) Indeweg 70, D-52076 Aachen-Brand, Germany;(2) Geologisches Institut der Universität, Albertstr. 23b, D-79104 Freiburg i. Br., Germany
The Wattkopftunnel, near Ettlingen (Nordschwarzwald), drives through the eastern margin of the Rheingraben. The tunnel passes cenozoic and mesozoic sediments. Early quarternary and tertiary beds are situated west of the main thrust of the Rheingraben. Fossil record indicates upper Oligocene age (Chatt) for parts of the tertiary sediments. At the eastern border of the Rheingraben, wedges of jurassic and middle triassic series are squeezed. East of the Rheingraben the tunnel drives in the lower triassic Bausandstein. The eastern margin of the Rheingraben was investigated in detail during tunneling. Faults of the Rheingraben margin are distributed in an 130 meter wide fault zone in the tunnel. Total stratigraphic separation by the normal faults reaches more than 2 000 meters. The cenozoic sequence suffered synsedimentary to early diagenetic deformation, while the mesozoic series are characterized by ruptural deformation. The fault- and joint system is directed in the ldquorheinische Richtungrdquo (SSW-NNE). East of the Rheingraben a second direction occur, running parallel to the lower Albtal (W-E).
Keywords:Rheingraben  structural geology  Bunter, Cenozoic
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