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Nonlinear pulsations of stars with initial mass 3 $${M_ odot }$$ on the asymptotic giant branch
Authors:Yu. A. Fadeyev
Affiliation:1.Institute of Astronomy,Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow,Russia
Abstract:Pulsation period changes in Mira type variables are investigated using the stellar evolution and nonlinear stellar pulsation calculations. We considered the evolutionary sequence of stellar models with initial mass ({M_{ZAMS}} = ;3{M_ odot }) and population I composition. Pulsations of stars in the early stage of the asymptotic giant branch are shown to be due to instability of the fundamental mode. In the later stage of evolution when the helium shell source becomes thermally unstable the stellar oscillations occur in either the fundamental mode (for the stellar luminosuty (L < 5.4 times {10^3}{L_ odot })) or the first overtone ((L > 7 times {10^3}{L_ odot })). Excitation of pulsations is due to the κ-mechanism in the hydrogen ionization zone. Stars with intermediate luminosities (5.4 times {10^3}{L_ odot } < L < 7 times {10^3}{L_ odot }) were found to be stable against radial oscillations. The pulsation period was determined as a function of evolutionary time and period change rates (dot Pi ) were evaluated for the first ten helium flashes. The period change rate becomes the largest in absolute value ((dot Pi /Pi approx - {10^{ - 2}}y{r^{ - 1}})) between the helium flash and the maximum of the stellar luminosity. Period changes with rate (left| {dot Pi /Pi } right| geqslant - {10^{ - 3}}y{r^{ - 1}}) take place during ≈500 yr, that is nearly one hundredth of the interval between helium flashes.
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