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引用本文:刘志军,贺瑜. 全国1:1万土地利用数据库建库探讨与应用[J]. 地理空间信息, 2004, 2(4): 25-26,34
作者姓名:刘志军  贺瑜
摘    要:1:1万土地利用数据库建库工程在各县(市)顺利开展,积累了一定的建库经验,但由于数据量庞大,时间有限,在各地的建库中仍存在许多问题,如原始底图和资料的质量、变更数据及时入库、建库完成后的管理等,针对这些问题,提出了一些可行性的措施供今后参考。并阐述建设成功的土地利用数据库,可为地方图件更新、土地资源调查、土地资源评价、基本农田保护区的划分、土地利用规划、建设用地审批、土地管理和科学决策提供基础数据。

关 键 词:土地利用数据库  土地详查  土地管理

Construction and Application of National 1:10 000 Land Use Database
LIU Zhi-jun,HE Yu. Construction and Application of National 1:10 000 Land Use Database[J]. Geospatial Information, 2004, 2(4): 25-26,34
Authors:LIU Zhi-jun  HE Yu
Abstract:Because the data is huge and time is limited, there are still some problems in the construction process of Land use database, such as the quality of land use maps, the entrance to database of the updated data, and the application of already construction system, etc. In this paper the appropriate strategy has been put forward to solve these problems. The successful system can be provided basic data for updating land use map, investigating and evaluating land resources, partitioning basic cropland protection areas and aiding land management.
Keywords:land use database  land detailed-investigation  land management
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