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Parabolic Wave Propagation Modelling in Orthogonal Coordinate Systems
引用本文:袁德奎 林斌良 肖鸿. Parabolic Wave Propagation Modelling in Orthogonal Coordinate Systems[J]. 中国海洋工程, 2004, 18(3): 445-456
作者姓名:袁德奎 林斌良 肖鸿
作者单位:[1]DepartmentofMechanics,TianjinUniversity,Tianjin300072,China [2]DepartmentofMechanics,TianjinUniversity,Tianjin300072,China [3]SchoolofEngineering,CardiffUniversity,CardiffCF240YF,UK
基金项目:ThisresearchprojectissupportedbytheHi TechResearchandDevelopmentProgramofChina ( 863Program,GrantNo .2 0 0 2AA63 961 0 )andtheSpringSunshinePlanoftheMinistryofEducationofChina .
摘    要:This paper presents a numerical model study of the propagation of water waves using the parabolic approximation of the mild-slope equation in the orthogonal coordinate system. Two types of coordinate systems are studied: (a) a general form of orthogonal coordinate system and (b) the conformal system, a special form of orthogonal coordinate system. Two typical examples, namely, expanded breakwaters and a circular channel, are studied to validate the model. First, the examples are studied by use of the general orthogonal coordinates. Then the same examples are computed by use of the confonnal system. The computational results show that the confonnal coordinate system generally gives better predictions than the general orthogonal system. A numerical technique for generating the conformal grid is combined with the numerical model to improve the practicability of the model. The comparison between the result from the numerical grid system and that from the analytical grid system shows that reliable computational results can be obtained by use of the numerical confonnal grid system.

关 键 词:抛物线形波 传播 模型理论 直角坐标系统 水波

Parabolic Wave Propagation Modelling in Orthogonal Coordinate Systems
YUAN De kui a,,LIN Bin liang b and XIAO Hong a a. Parabolic Wave Propagation Modelling in Orthogonal Coordinate Systems[J]. China Ocean Engineering, 2004, 18(3): 445-456
Authors:YUAN De kui a    LIN Bin liang b  XIAO Hong a a
Affiliation:YUAN De kui a,1,LIN Bin liang b and XIAO Hong a a Department of Mechanics,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China b School of Engineering,Cardiff University,Cardiff CF24 0YF,UK
Abstract:This paper presents a numerical model study of the propagation of water waves using the parabolic approximation of the mild slope equation in the orthogonal coordinate system. Two types of coordinate systems are studied: (a) a general form of orthogonal coordinate system and (b) the conformal system, a special form of orthogonal coordinate system. Two typical examples, namely, expanded breakwaters and a circular channel, are studied to validate the model. First, the examples are studied by use of the general orthogonal coordinates. Then the same examples are computed by use of the conformal system. The computational results show that the conformal coordinate system generally gives better predictions than the general orthogonal system. A numerical technique for generating the conformal grid is combined with the numerical model to improve the practicability of the model. The comparison between the result from the numerical grid system and that from the analytical grid system shows that reliable computational results can be obtained by use of the numerical conformal grid system.
Keywords:orthogonal coordinates  conformal mapping  parabolic mild slope equation  numerical grid generation
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