摘 要: | Since Simpson and Hunter proposed in 1974 the idea that shallow water frouts were induced by tidal mixing, many authors have investigated the tide induced shallow water fronts in various areas. It was generally assumed that a critical value of the stratified parameter K =log 10(H/U3) may be used to identify the location of these fronts. Here,H means the depth of sea water. U denotes the characteristie velocity of tidal current, and the critical value of K is generally taken as 1.8-2.0.In this paper. Simpson-Hunter's stratified parameter K was calculated by using quasi-maximum current velocity (which consists of the. six main tidal constituents. i.e. M2,S2, O1. K1, M4, M S4) in the H anghai Sea (Yellow Sea) and in the northern Donghai Sea (East China Sea) as well. Calculated results show that the areas of the Subei (the northern part of Jiangsu) Shoal, the area off the mouth area of the Changjiang(the Yangze) River, along the coast of Shandong Peninsula. and along the western coast of Korea, the tidal mi