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引用本文:王君厚,董建林,李忠平,赵中南,赵有贤,赵国君,王树元,王永民,林景友,庞秀谦. 干旱区机械化集雨整地造林效果分析——“瓦勒拉尼系统”集雨造林效果研究[J]. 中国沙漠, 2011, 31(5): 1260-1266
作者姓名:王君厚  董建林  李忠平  赵中南  赵有贤  赵国君  王树元  王永民  林景友  庞秀谦
作者单位:1. 国家林业局调查规划设计院,北京100714/中国荒漠化监测中心,北京100714
2. 内蒙古自治区林业厅,内蒙古呼和浩特,010020
3. 国家林业局调查规划设计院,北京,100714
4. 内蒙古自治区巴林左旗石棚沟林场,内蒙古巴林左旗,025450
5. 内蒙占自治区巴林左旗林业局,内蒙古巴林左旗,025450
6. 意大利环境国土与海洋部,罗马,528400
基金项目:国家林业局“948”项目(2005-4-08); 意大利中意环保合作项目资助
摘    要: 从2006年到2009年,中国国家林业局与意大利环境国土海洋部合作,应用意大利机械化集雨抗旱整地造林技术——“瓦勒拉尼系统” 在内蒙古赤峰市进行造林试验示范。与传统的人工整地造林相比,降水利用率提高两倍,土壤紧实度降低82%,土壤含水率平均提高60%,造林成活率提高30%左右。对“瓦勒拉尼系统”整地造林各项技术参数的测试分析表明,该系统具有深耕集雨、快速高效、经济实用、适应性强等特点。该系统在集雨抗旱造林方面具有的优越性和先进性,为该系统在中国干旱区推广应用提供了科学依据和实用技术方法。

关 键 词:“瓦勒拉尼系统”  集雨  机械化整地  造林

The Effectiveness of the Vallerani System in Rainfall Collection,Land Preparation and Afforestation in the Arid Area of China
WANG Jun-hou,,DONG Jian-lin,LI Zhong-ping,ZHAO Zhong-nan,ZHAO You-xian,ZHAO Guo-jun,WANG Shu-yuan,WANG Yong-min,LIN Jing-you,PANG Xiu-qian,Venanzio Vallerani,Aless,ro Vallerani(.Adademy of Forest Inventory , Planning,State Forestry Administration,Beijing ,China,.China National Desertification Monitoring Center,.Inner Mongolia Forestry Department,Hohhot ,.Shipenggou Forest Farm of Bairin Left Banner,Bairin Left Banner ,Inner Mongolia,.B.... The Effectiveness of the Vallerani System in Rainfall Collection,Land Preparation and Afforestation in the Arid Area of China[J]. ournal of Desert Research, 2011, 31(5): 1260-1266
Authors:WANG Jun-hou    DONG Jian-lin  LI Zhong-ping  ZHAO Zhong-nan  ZHAO You-xian  ZHAO Guo-jun  WANG Shu-yuan  WANG Yong-min  LIN Jing-you  PANG Xiu-qian  Venanzio Vallerani  Aless  ro Vallerani(.Adademy of Forest Inventory    Planning  State Forestry Administration  Beijing   China  .China National Desertification Monitoring Center  .Inner Mongolia Forestry Department  Hohhot   .Shipenggou Forest Farm of Bairin Left Banner  Bairin Left Banner   Inner Mongolia  .B...
Affiliation:WANG Jun-hou1,2,DONG Jian-lin3,LI Zhong-ping1,ZHAO Zhong-nan1,ZHAO You-xian1,ZHAO Guo-jun4,WANG Shu-yuan5,WANG Yong-min4,LIN Jing-you5,PANG Xiu-qian5,Venanzio Vallerani6,Alessandro Vallerani6(1.Adademy of Forest Inventory and Planning,State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100714,China,2.China National Desertification Monitoring Center,3.Inner Mongolia Forestry Department,Hohhot 010020,4.Shipenggou Forest Farm of Bairin Left Banner,Bairin Left Banner 025450,Inner Mongolia,5.B...
Abstract:The Vallerani System invented by Italian experts,a technology of mechanical land preparation,rainfall collecting and afforesting in arid area,was used in experiment and demonstration of afforestation in Chifeng,Inner Mongolia,China.Compared with the traditional manual land preparation and domestic mechanical land preparation for afforestation,the superiority of the Wallerani System in land preparation and afforestation was obvious: the rainfall collection efficiency increased 2 times,the soil moisture incre...
Keywords:Vallerani System  rainfall collection  machinery land preparation  afforestation  
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