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引用本文:吴学益,卢焕章,王中刚,陈文益,朱笑青,胡瑞忠. 黔东南金矿构造控矿与成矿模拟实验[J]. 矿物学报, 2009, 29(2): 253-258
作者姓名:吴学益  卢焕章  王中刚  陈文益  朱笑青  胡瑞忠
作者单位:中国科学院 地球化学研究所,矿床地球化学国家重点实验室,贵州,贵阳,550002;中国科学院 地球化学研究所,矿床地球化学国家重点实验室,贵州,贵阳,550002;魁北克大学地质系, GH7,ZB1,加拿大;贵州省地质矿产局,地质科学研究所,贵州,贵阳550004
摘    要:黔东南金矿是赋存于前震旦系下江群浊积岩(浅变质板岩、砂岩、凝灰岩)中的石英脉金矿,矿体均产于北东向背斜轴部,并向两翼延伸形成平行于地层和斜交地层的含金石英脉,明显受构造控制.据此,运用矿床地球化学国家重点实验室的构造地球化学实验装置进行了构造控矿与成矿模拟实验.模拟构造作用的高温高压条件下,岩石、矿石产生变形和破裂及成矿物质活化、迁移和聚集.其所产生变形、破裂,成矿物质以碎粒流和塑性流动方式活化迁移和聚集,充填于裂隙中形成顺层和穿层矿脉的过程;模拟实验结果与该区石英脉金矿成矿特征非常类似.它将为深入研究该区金矿成矿规律及进一步找矿提供科学实验资料和有益信息.

关 键 词:构造控矿  模拟实验  黔东南金矿

WU Xue-yi,LU Huan-zhang,WANG Zhong-gang,CHEN Wen-yi,ZHU Xiao-qing,HU Rui-zhong. SIMULATING EXPERIMENTS ON ORE-CONTROLLING STRUCTURES AND MINERALIZATION IN SOUTHEAST GUIZHOU[J]. Acta Mineralogica Sinica, 2009, 29(2): 253-258
Authors:WU Xue-yi  LU Huan-zhang  WANG Zhong-gang  CHEN Wen-yi  ZHU Xiao-qing  HU Rui-zhong
Abstract:In Southeast Guizhou, primary gold mineralization in the turbidites hosted by the Presinian Xiajing Group (meta-slate, sandstone and meta-tuff) is associated with quartz veins.The gold deposits all occurred at the NE-fold axis. Ore-forming materials were activated, transported and enriched during deformation and finally concordant and discordant gold-bearing quartz-veins were formed. Gold deposits of this type are obviously controlled by NE-trending folds.The experimental apparatus in the State Key Lab of Ore-deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, CAS, was utilized to simulate the structural and ore controlling processes. Under high temperature and high pressure, deforming and fracturing of rocks and ores, activating and accumulating of metallogenic materials, and thus the formation of concordant and discordant gold-bearing quartz-veins were stimulated on the apparatus. The experimental results are consistent well with the characteristics of the quartz-vein gold deposits in the area studied. It will provide scientific experimental data and useful information about ore-forming rules and ore prognosis.
Keywords:ore-controlling structure  simulating experiment  mineralization in Southeast Guizhou
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