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Tectonosedimentary Evolution of the Cheb Basin (NW Bohemia,Czech Republic) between Late Oligocene and Pliocene: A Preliminary Note
Authors:Špičáková   L.  Uličný   D.  Koudelková   G.
Affiliation:(1) Geophysical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.;(2) Bo"ccaron"ní II/1401, 141 31 Praha 4, Czech Republic;(3) Department of Geology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.;(4) Blanická 20, 350 02 Cheb, Czech Republic
Abstract:A working model of tectono-sedimentary evolution is proposed for the Cheb Basin, a polyhistory sedimentary basin formed between the late Oligocene and Pliocene by reactivation of basement fracture systems in the northwestern part of the Bohemian Massif. The basin is located at the intersection of the Ohrcarone (Eger) Graben structural domain, characterized by dominance of NE-striking graben systems in present-day geology, and the NW-striking Cheb-Domazcaronlice Graben, a major strike-slip – dominated structure in Western Bohemia. The first significant depositional episode in the Cheb Basin coincides with the deposition of late Oligocene-Miocene clastics in the whole extensional system of the Ohrcarone Graben, controlled by E-W – trending depocenters. The main structural feature of the Cheb Basin region at that time was a palaeohigh caused by a NW- trending accommodation zone separating minor E-W – trending depocentres. The second, late Pliocene, episode of sedimentation occurred under a very different kinematic regime than the Oligo-Miocene rift basin evolution. During this time, the present-day structure of the Cheb Basin and the Cheb-Domazcaronlice Graben formed as a consequence of sinistral displacement on the Mariánské Láznecaron Fault Zone. Reactivation of this strike-slip fault zone led to the formation of a horsetail splay of oblique-extensional faults at the northern termination of the Mariánské Láznecaron Fault Zone, which contained the present-day Cheb Basin.
Keywords:Strike-slip basin  horsetail splay  extension  rift  palaeostress  Eger Graben  Cheb Basin  Bohemian Massif  Neogene
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