The delay between solar activity and density changes in the upper atmosphere
Peter W. Blum
Astronomische Institute der Universität Bonn, Institut für Astrophysik und extraterrestische Forschung, Germany
Since 1958 it is known that there exists a response time of the upper atmosphere to changes in solar activity. This response time is best described as the lag between the 27-day variation of solar decimeter flux and the observed density changes of the upper atmosphere. Roemer obtained as a mean observational value for this lag 1.0 ± 0.12 days. Volland's simplified version of the Harris-Priester model of the upper atmosphere is used to calculate the delay which can be expected from theory. Only the effect of solar EUV radiation is taken into account. A possible influence of the corpuscular component of the solar radiation is not included in our estimate.
The calculations are carried out for the Harris-Priester model with solar activity index and a variation of . The resulting delay is 0.6 days. The calculated amplitude of the variations of the diurnal average temperatures during the solar 27-days cycle is in very good agreement with Jacchia's empirical formula.