Liquid Lines of Descent of Island Arc Magmas and Genesis of Rhyolites: Evidence from the Shirahama Group, Japan |
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Authors: | TAMURA Y. |
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Abstract: | ![]() The Mio-Pliocene Shirahama Group, Izu Peninsula, Central Japan,a well-exposed submarine volcanic arc complex of lava flows,pyroclastic rocks and associated shallow intrusives, is characterizedby a tholeiitic series (basalt to dacite) and a calc-alkalineseries (andesite to dacite). Chemical variations in the tholeiiticseries and calc-alkaline series are consistent with crystalfractionation from basalt and magnesian andesite (boninite),respectively. Crystalliquid phase relations of thesemagmas have been investigated by study of sample suites fromthese two series. Compositions of liquids in equilibrium withphenocrysts were determined by microprobe grid analyses, inwhich 49 points were averaged in 03 mm 03 mm groundmassareas. The liquid compositions, coupled with the phenocrystmineralogy of the same samples, define the liquid lines of descentof these volcanic arc magmas. Major findings include the following:(1) Crystallization of the tholeiitic series magma is consistentwith early stage crystallization in the simple system FoDiSilicaH2O,with olivine having a reaction relation to augite and the tholeiiticliquid. (2) The later stage products of the tholeiitic seriesmagma are, however, crystal-poor (<10%) dacites with no maficminerals, suggesting that tholeiitic liquids, hypersthene andaugite were no longer on the cotectic (3) A characteristic ofthe calc-alkaline series magmas is the development of rhyoliticliquids. Hypersthene, augite, plagioclase and FeTi oxideoccur in most calc-alkaline rocks studied, and hornblende andquartz can be found in about half of these. However, their differentiationpaths show that the cotectic relation between quartz and liquidended at a later stage, resulting in the resorption of quartzphenocrysts and ultimately in the formation of quartz-free magmas.(4) The late-stage liquids of both the tholeiitic and calc-alkalineseries have deviated from their cotectics, which cannot be explainedby fractional crystallization alone. The addition of H2O froman outside system is probably required to explain the differentiationpaths. (5) The formation of chilled margins, the in situ crystallizationof a magma chamber in the solidification zone, and/or the migrationof groundwater into the magma chamber are thought to be likelyprocesses affecting magmas during their migration and intrusioninto the crust. An extreme effect of H2O addition would be tolower the liquidus temperatures of all precipitating silicatephases far below their restorable range before eruption, resultingin the production of aphyric magmas. Even when a temperaturedecrease in the magma chamber causes a liquid to intersect theliquidus of a pre-existing phase, the addition of H2O shiftsthe cotectic toward SiO2, resulting in quartz being the lastphase to crystallize. The resorption of quartz is interpretedto be the result of a liquidus boundary shift caused by theaddition of H2O. The genesis of aphyric rhyolites is thereforeinferred to result from fractional crystallization followingaddition of H20. KEY WORDS: Shirahama Group; Japan; island arc; rhyolite; magma series |
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