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引用本文:陈忠大,吴小勇. 浙西的加里东运动[J]. 浙江国土资源, 1996, 0(2)
作者姓名:陈忠大  吴小勇
摘    要:作者运用地层超覆面展平的方法,在浙西上古生界超覆面展平图中,勾绘了浙西加里东运动形成的古地质图,显示了浙西地区加里东运动的表现,是一个轴迹走向北东的平缓开阔的褶皱运动。通过1:5区域地质调查研究,浙西汾口测区多期褶皱的剖析,证明浙西的加里东运动不仅是简单的局部的升降运动,而且是具一定方向性的广泛的褶皱运动;同时发生浅变质作用叠加于前震旦系岩层之中,后经印支期褶皱叠加形成浙西富有特色的花边褶皱。此外,本文还阐述广浙西加里东运动所形成的褶皱轴迹方向的转换的成因与机理。

关 键 词:加里东运动  褶皱  变质  浙西地区

Chen Zhongda Wu Xiaoyong. THE CALEDONIAN MOVEMENT IN WESTERN PART OF ZHEJIANG[J]. Zhejiang Land & Resources, 1996, 0(2)
Authors:Chen Zhongda Wu Xiaoyong
Abstract:Applying the method of un folding the upper Paleozoic Overlap surface, and according to the geelogical time of the underlying strata at the overlap point, a paleogeologic map formed by Caledonian movement could be drawn roughly. This map shows that the Caledonianmovement in the north-western part of Zhejiang was a gertle and open folding movementwith a north-east axial trace. Based on the field statistic of small structures and the measured data, combined with the method of analytic styuctural geology, the study on the multiphase folds in Fengkou area,the Caledonial movement not only formed east-west folds in Paleozoic group, but also superimposed in all the rock beds of Presinian system. The direction change of the fold axis during the Caledonian movement in west Zhejiang was possibly connected with the coumterclockwise translation of the Jiangshan-Shaoxingfauld. Because the outcropped rocks today were buried in different depths in the crust during the Caledonian movement, the metamorphism during Caleonian movement varied from amphibolite facies to green schist facies or even non-metamorphisim.
Keywords:Caledonian movement   fold   metamorphism   western part of zhejiang
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