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引用本文:徐小任,王梁,徐勇,段健. 基于“三类”空间的后备可利用土地资源评价研究——以山西省介休市为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2021, 40(2): 272-282. DOI: 10.18306/dlkxjz.2021.02.008
作者姓名:徐小任  王梁  徐勇  段健
作者单位:山东省水土保持与环境保育重点实验室,临沂大学资源环境学院,山东 临沂 276005
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
中国科学院大学,北京 100049
浙江师范大学地理与环境科学学院,浙江 金华 321004
摘    要:
针对当前国土空间规划“双评价”中存在的后备适宜建设用地与后备适宜耕地在城镇、农业空间分布上的重叠性问题,论文在对2类用地进行概念内涵辨析的基础上,尝试构建后备可利用土地资源集成评价方法,探讨不同类型后备可利用土地资源用途的地域导向,并选取山西省介休市作为案例区进行实证应用研究。结果表明:介休市后备适宜建设用地面积较大(45.3 km 2),但集中连片趋势不明显。人均后备适宜建设用地面积为0.16亩/人。区域后备适宜耕地面积74.1 km 2,人均后备适宜耕地面积为0.26亩/人。研究区域2类用地具有相似的空间分布格局,即绵山镇、连福镇等地区后备可利用土地资源潜力较大,而城区及周围地区的潜力较小。针对2类用地的重叠性和差异性,介休市城区、各乡镇中心及北部地区的后备可利用土地资源未来可转化建设用地,即未来应被划归城镇空间。连福、绵山、义棠、张兰等乡镇南部地区未来可转化为新增耕地,即应被划归农业空间。

关 键 词:后备可利用土地资源,后备适宜建设用地,后备适宜耕地,国土空间规划,“三类”空间  ,介休市,

Evaluation of reserve available land resources based on three types of territorial space: A case study of Jiexiu City in Shanxi Province
XU Xiaoren,WANG Liang,XU Yong,DUAN Jian. Evaluation of reserve available land resources based on three types of territorial space: A case study of Jiexiu City in Shanxi Province[J]. Progress in Geography, 2021, 40(2): 272-282. DOI: 10.18306/dlkxjz.2021.02.008
Authors:XU Xiaoren  WANG Liang  XU Yong  DUAN Jian
Affiliation:Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water and Soil Conservation and Environmental Protection, College of Resources and Environment, Linyi University, Linyi 276005, Shandong, China
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
College of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, Zhejiang, China
The spatial distribution of reserve available construction land overlaps with that of reserve available cultivated land in the resources and environmental carrying capacity and territorial development suitability evaluations of current territorial spatial planning. On the basis of elaborating the connotation of relevant concept, this study developed an integrated evaluation method of reserve available land resources, discussed the regional tendency of use of these two types of land, and took Jiexiu City in Shanxi Province as an example. The results are as follows: 1) Reserve available construction land in Jiexiu City had an area of 45.3 km 2, which was 6.1% of the total land area of the city. Its distribution was scattered. The reserve available construction land could be generally divided into three levels: highly suitable, suitable, and less suitable. The corresponding areas were 3.6 km 2, 16.1 km 2, and 25.6 km 2 respectively. The area of reserve available construction land per capita was 0.16 mu. 2) The area of the reserve available cultivated land was 74.1 km 2, which was 10% of the total. The reserve available cultivated land also could be divided into three levels: highly suitable, suitable, and less suitable. The corresponding areas were 21.7 km 2, 26.1 km 2, and 26.3 km 2respectively. The area of reserve available cultivated land per capita was 0.26 mu. There were similar spatial distributions between these two types of land in the study area. The potential of reserve available land resources in Mianshan and Lianfu towns was large, while the potential of the urban area and its surroundings was small. In view of the overlap and difference of spatial distribution between these two types of land, reserve available land resources in the urban area, town centers, and the northern part of the city could be used as construction land preferentially in the future. They should be classified as urban space. Reserve available land resources in the southern areas of Lianfu, Mianshan, Yitang, and Zhanglan towns could be transformed into new cultivated land. They should be classified as agricultural space.
Keywords:reserve available land resources  reserve available construction land  reserve available cultivated land  territorial spatial planning  three types of territorial spaces  Jiexiu City  
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