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引用本文:白永清,陈正洪,王明欢,成驰. 基于WRF模式输出统计的逐时太阳总辐射预报初探[J]. 南京气象学院学报, 2011, 34(3)
作者姓名:白永清  陈正洪  王明欢  成驰
作者单位:1. 湖北省气象服务中心,湖北武汉,430074;湖北省气象能源技术开发中心,湖北武汉,430074
2. 中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所,湖北武汉,430074
基金项目:公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY(QX)201006036); 华中区域气象中心科技发展基金重点项目(QY-Z-201010); 中国气象局现代气候业务建设试点工作(气预函[2010]76号;气预函[2010]174号)
摘    要:
基于WRF(weather research and forecasting model)模式逐时输出结果,设计了逐时太阳总辐射的模式输出统计(model output statistics,MOS)预报流程。主要包括:对逐时观测序列进行低通滤波再除以天文辐射,对模式输出因子的筛选和降维,以及建立MOS预报方程,并对2009年1月、4月、8月和10月武汉站逐时太阳总辐射进行预报试验。结果表明,该方案在各月预报相对稳定,拟合和预报效果均较为理想,可使平均绝对百分比误差控制在20%~30%,相对均方根误差控制在30%~40%,相对模式直接预报辐射改进了50%左右。由此可见,通过对模式输出进行解释应用,可以有效提高辐射预报的准确率。此外,客观分析所得的气温、云量、露点、比湿、相对湿度、地面气压等13个模式输出因子可以作为各地区建立MOS辐射预报方程的参考因子。

关 键 词:太阳能  逐时太阳辐射  预报因子  模式输出统计(MOS)  

Preliminary research on prediction of hourly solar radiation based on WRF model output statistics
BAI Yong-qing,CHEN Zheng-hong,WANG Ming-huan,CHENG Chi. Preliminary research on prediction of hourly solar radiation based on WRF model output statistics[J]. Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 2011, 34(3)
Authors:BAI Yong-qing  CHEN Zheng-hong  WANG Ming-huan  CHENG Chi
Affiliation:BAI Yong-qing~1,2,CHEN Zheng-hong~1,WANG Ming-huan~3,CHENG Chi~1,2(1.Hubei Provincial Meteorological Service Center,Wuhan 430074,China,2.Meteorological Energy Development Center of Hubei Province,3.Wuhan Institute of Heavy Rain,CMA,China)
Based on the hourly output of WRF(weather research and forecasting model),MOS(model output statistics) prediction process of hourly solar radiation was designed,including low-pass filtering of hourly observation series which was then divided by astronomical radiation,selection and dimensionality reduction of output factors and foundation of MOS prediction functions.Judging from the results of experimental prediction of hourly solar radiation at Wuhan station in January,April,August and October 2009,it shows...
Keywords:solar energy  hourly solar radiation  prediction factors  model output statistics(MOS)  
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