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引用本文:张文义. 浅埋深、薄基岩、厚松散含水层下煤层综合机械化开采防治水技术应用[J]. 中国煤田地质, 2004, 16(4): 39-41
作者单位:神华集团神东煤炭有限责任公司 内蒙古鄂尔多斯017209
摘    要:神东煤炭公司大柳塔矿12404工作面煤层埋深浅,上覆基岩薄、松散含水层厚,且地表有河流横过(工作面长度240m,推进度3900m,其中薄基岩富水段150m),为了减少工作面搬家次数提高生产效益,采取了地面抽排水、井下泄放水及地面注浆固沙等有效的防治水措施,工作面安全通过了母河沟,该防治水方法的应用改变了以往类似情况进行留煤柱跳采的方法,取得了浅埋深薄基岩厚含水层下煤层综合机械化安全开采经验,比停产跳采节省搬家费用2400万元,获得了显著的经济效益。

关 键 词:防治水技术 厚含水层 浅埋深薄基岩煤层 神东矿区

Application and Effect of Water Control Technique in Fully Mechanized Mining in Shallow Coal Seam under a Thick Loosened Aquifer with a Thin Bedrock,Shendong Mining Area
Zhang Wenyi. Application and Effect of Water Control Technique in Fully Mechanized Mining in Shallow Coal Seam under a Thick Loosened Aquifer with a Thin Bedrock,Shendong Mining Area[J]. Coal Geology of China, 2004, 16(4): 39-41
Authors:Zhang Wenyi
Abstract:The 12404 working face of Daliuta Coalmine, Shendong Coal Company has a shallow buried coal seam under a thick loosened aquifer with a thin bedrock, and a surface river pass across the coalmine (working face length 240m, length of travel 3900m, among the travel is 150m thin bedrock water rich zone). In purpose of cut down number of removal and raise productive benefit, adopted water control measures of surface draw-off, underground drainage and surface injection for loose rock consolidation, finally the working face passed through the Mu River. The applications of this water control method has remodeled the pillar method and skip over mining in the past and obtained fully mechanized mining safety experience of mining in shallow coal seam under a thick loosened aquifer with thin bedrock. Compared with shutting down and skip over in the past the new method can save cost of removal 24 million RMB Yuan, so the economic benefit is obvious.
Keywords:water control technique  thick aquifer  shallow coal seam with thin bedrock  Shendong mining area  
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