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引用本文:贾进华,顾家裕,郭庆银,皮学军,王月华,邹义声. 塔里木盆地克拉2气田白垩系储层沉积相[J]. 古地理学报, 2001, 3(3): 67-75. DOI: 10.7605/gdlxb.2001.03.007
作者姓名:贾进华  顾家裕  郭庆银  皮学军  王月华  邹义声
基金项目:塔里木油田分公司科技攻关项目,国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目 (99- 111- 0 1- 0 2 - 0 5 )资助
摘    要:克拉2气田是我国陆上勘探发现的最大气田,它的发现奠定了塔里木盆地做为我国 “西气东输” 重要天然气基地的资源基础。克拉2气田产层主要为下白垩统巴什基奇克组砂岩、下第三系库姆格列木群底砂岩和白云岩,其中下白垩统巴什基奇克组砂岩储层厚度为220.3-285.2m,孔隙度为1.1-22.4%,平均12.83%;渗透率为0.004-1770.1×10-3μm2,平均51.46×10-3μm2。砂岩储层以剩余原生粒间孔为主。通过钻井和露头剖面沉积相对比,克拉2气田巴什基奇克组第三段为扇三角洲前缘沉积,主要微相有水下分流河道、水下重力流和浅湖泥等,岩性以砂砾岩、含砾砂岩和褐色泥岩为主;第二段为辫状河三角洲前缘沉积,主要有水下辫状河道、河口砂坝和分流间湾等微相,以棕褐色中细砂岩夹薄层泥岩为主;第一段为辫状河三角洲平原沉积,主要有远端辫状河道和分流间湾微相,以棕褐色中细砂岩为主。巴什基奇克组沉积时期,古气候以干旱炎热为主,北部发育多个扇体,在平面上相互连接、叠置形成多个物源出口,形成了一系列由辫状河道组成的辫状河三角洲,而非单一辫状河流形成的沉积体,从而形成大面积分布的稳定砂体。沉积微相对比表明,巴什基奇克组储层是由互相切割的多个辫状河道砂体叠置而成,各段微相在横向上分布十分稳定,各砂体互相连通、连续性好,泥岩夹层薄、不连续,空间上具有厚度大、分布广、连续性好、物性好和隔夹层少的特点,为一套优质天然气储层。

关 键 词:塔里木盆地  克拉2气田  白垩系  储层  沉积相

Jia Jinhua Gu Jiayu Guo Qingyin Pi Xuejun Wang Yuehua Zou Yisheng. SEDIMENTARY FACIES OF CRETACEOUS RESERVOIR IN KELA-2 GAS FIELD OF TARIM BASIN[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2001, 3(3): 67-75. DOI: 10.7605/gdlxb.2001.03.007
Authors:Jia Jinhua Gu Jiayu Guo Qingyin Pi Xuejun Wang Yuehua Zou Yisheng
Affiliation:1.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development,CNPC,Beijing,100083 ;2.Beijing Reserch Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing,100029 3.Tarim Petroleum company,CNPC,Korla,841000
Abstract:Being the biggest gas filed of the continental exploration in our country, Kela 2 gas field settle a foundation that Tarim basin is being to the important base of gas energy of west gas to east in our country.The main reservoir of Kela 2 gas field is the sandstones of Cretaceous Bashijiqike formation and the lower of Paleogene Kumugeliemu group, and the dolostones of the lower of Paleogene Kumugeliemu group.Thickness of the sandstone reservoir is 220.3-285.2m. Its porosity changes from 1.1% to 22.4%,the average is 12.83%. Its permerbility changes from 0.004×10-3μm2 to 1770.1×10-3μm2, the average is 51.46×10-3μm2. Primary intergranular pors are the main reservoir space. By comparing the sedimentary facies of the cored well and field section, the third member of Bashijiqike formation in Kela 2 gas field is fan delta front depositional facies. The main microfacies include the distributary channel ,gravitite and coastal-shallow lake.The types of rocks are sandy conglomerates, conglomeratic sandstones and brown mudstones.The second member of Bashijiqike formation in Kela 2 gas field is braided delta front depositional facies.The main microfacies include braided channel, distributary mouth bar and interdistributary bay. The types of rocks are brown medium to fine litharenite interbeded thinner mudstones. The first member of Bashijiqike formation in Kela 2 gas field is braided delta plain depositional facies. The main microfacies include braided channel and interdistributary bay. The types of rocks are brown medium to fine litharenite. During Bashijiqike stage,with paleo-climate arrid and torrid, there developed many fan-shaped depositional systems along the north frontier. They are constituted of many braided channel delta plain, and not a only one braided channel delta plain. In Kela 2 gas field, Bashijiqike formation reservoir geometry occures a lot of braided channel arising one erosion after another. Microfacies of every member has steady extensive distribution. Sandbodys connect continuously each other, and muddy partition beds are thinner and not continuous. Being a suit of excellent gas reservoir, Bashijiqike formation reservoir are charactristics of great thickness, extensive distribution, more continuous, high porosity and permeability and a few barrier beds in the space.
Keywords:Tarim Basin   Kela 2 gas field   Cretaceous   reservoir   sedimentary facies
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