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引用本文:王蕾 何红蓼 李冰. 碱熔沉淀-等离子体质谱法测定地质样品中的多元素[J]. 岩矿测试, 2003, 22(2): 86-92
作者姓名:王蕾 何红蓼 李冰
基金项目:国土资源部地质大调查实施项目 (2 0 0 2 6 0 1 9),国土资源部地质大调查项目 (DKD990 4 0 1 3)
摘    要:

关 键 词:碱熔沉淀-等离子体质谱法 过氧化钠 沉淀 分离 样品预处理 多元素分析 无机分析 地质样品

Multi-element Determination in Geological Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry after Fusion-precipitation Treatment
WANG Lei,HE Hong liao,LI Bing. Multi-element Determination in Geological Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry after Fusion-precipitation Treatment[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2003, 22(2): 86-92
Authors:WANG Lei  HE Hong liao  LI Bing
A method for multi element determination in geological samples by ICP MS after fusion precipitation treatment was developed. Geological samples were fused with sodium peroxide (Na 2 O 2 )or lithium metaborate (LiBO 2 ) . After dissolution of the fusion cake, the analytes were precipitated in the alkaline solution and sodium, lithium and boron were separated by filtration. The precipitates were then dissolved by acid and 26 elements in the sample solution were determined by ICP MS. The results show that the procedure of lithium metaborate fusion acid dissolution sodium hydroxide precipitation is preferable by its low blank value, easy operation and low cost. The method has been verified by the determination of 26 elements in geological standard reference materials and geological samples. The results are in agreement with certified values with less than 10% relative error (RE) and precision of 5% relative standard derivation (RSD, n =10).
Keywords:sample preparation  precipitation separation  inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP MS)  multi element analysis
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