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引用本文:王荣,刘明坤,贾三满,杨艳,田芳,刘欢欢. 地面沉降对高速铁路的影响分析[J]. 中国地质灾害与防治学报, 2014, 0(2): 49-53,64
作者姓名:王荣  刘明坤  贾三满  杨艳  田芳  刘欢欢
作者单位:[1]北京市水文地质工程地质大队,北京100195 [2]首都师范大学,北京100048
摘    要:北京平原区快速发展的地面沉降对高速铁路的发展构成了威胁,地面沉降与过量开采地下水造成的水位下降关系密切,为此有针对性地开展基于高速铁路的地下水动态与地面沉降相关关系研究对于高铁安全运行意义重大,特别是对于制定高铁沿线地下水开采方案、地面沉降减缓措施和工程措施至关重要。基于其对高速铁路的影响模式,本文将地面沉降分为区域沉降和局部沉降两种类型。针对区域沉降,利用Logistic方程,使用天竺、望京及王四营分层地面沉降和地下水位数据,构建了不同层位地下水水位变化与地面沉降之间的相关关系模型,通过ABAQUS计算局部地区,对于6m高路堤和15m CFG桩处理深度的地基而言,当渗透系数k=2m/d,距离线路边缘25m处浅层地下水下降10m将产生约61—85mm的沉降。

关 键 词:高速铁路  地面沉降  地下水  相关关系

Research based on the high-speed railway affect the dynamic quantitativerelationship between groundwater and land subsidence
WANG Rong,LIU Ming-kun,JIA San-man,YANG Yan,TIAN Fang,LIU Huan-huan. Research based on the high-speed railway affect the dynamic quantitativerelationship between groundwater and land subsidence[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 2014, 0(2): 49-53,64
Authors:WANG Rong  LIU Ming-kun  JIA San-man  YANG Yan  TIAN Fang  LIU Huan-huan
Affiliation:1. Beijing Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology; 2. Captiacal Normal University)
Abstract:The rapid development of Beijing plain area of land subsidence impacting on high-speed railway constitutesa threat to water and land subsidence caused by excessive exploitation of groundwater decline . Therefore,it is significant to study the settlement based on the correlation between groundwater and land subsidence impacting high-speedrail, especially for groundwater mining plan of high-speed railway line and mitigation measure of land subsidence.Based on their impact on the high-speed rail mode, land subsidencewill be divided into two types:regional subsidenceand local subsidence. For regional subsidence ,the paper use Logistic equationto build the relationship between thedifferent layers of groundwater level change and land subsidence by using the Tianzhu, Wang Jing and Wang campground subsidence and groundwater level hierarchical data . When the permeability coefficient k = 2 ×m/d, Shallowgroundwater decline 10m will generating about 61 -85mm settlement to the 6m high embankment and 15mCFG depthfoundation piles is calculated by ABAQUS.
Keywords:high speed rail  land subsidence  groundwater  correlation.
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