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The solar Na/Ca and S/Ca ratios: A close comparison with carbonaceous chondrites
Authors:Hartmut Holweger
Affiliation:Institut für Theoretische Physik und Sternwarte, Universität Kiel, Kiel Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:Solar abundances based on recent laboratory oscillator strengths confirm the relationship between solar matter and carbonaceous chondrites. Within spectroscopic uncertainties (typically±40%) these meteorites contain refractory and volatile elements in solar proportions. Significant improvement of accuracy at present seems restricted to a few abundant elements having reliable quantum-mechanical oscillator strengths, and necessitates strictly differential spectrum analysis. Taking this into account, the solar abundance ratios Na/Ca and S/Ca have been determined to an accuracy of±15%. The results are:Na/Ca= 0.91and S/Ca= 6.8. These volatile/refractory ratios just match type 1 carbonaceous chondrites, but contrast with other types.These and related interstellar abundance features place constraints on the condensation process and a potential heterogeneity of the solar nebula. There is evidence that no drastic pre-solar separation of interstellar gas and grains has occurred, but minor imbalance may be a common mechanism co-determining stellar metal content.
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