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引用本文:卜华,孙英波,叶进霞,陈洪年. 初论山东巨野煤矿开发的主要环境地质问题及防治对策[J]. 中国地质灾害与防治学报, 2007, 18(2): 140-144
作者姓名:卜华  孙英波  叶进霞  陈洪年
摘    要:山东巨野矿区是目前山东乃至华东地区最大的未开发整装优质煤田。规划的7对矿井已经开工建设,预计2008年建成投产。为进一步了解开发中可能产生的环境地质问题信息,增加编制矿区防灾减灾规划、制定生态环境恢复治理方案的参照依据。论文根据矿区的环境地质条件、煤田地质特征及开发规划工程特点,对煤炭资源开发过程中可能产生的地面塌陷、土地、土壤环境破坏与污染、地下水资源破坏和水质污染、矿井突水、煤矸石危害5种主要环境地质问题及其造成的影响进行了初步预测和分析。同时结合矿区开发进程提出了规划设计、建设开采和矿山闭坑3个阶段加强环境地质问题防治的对策与建议。

关 键 词:巨野矿区  环境地质问题  地面塌陷  防治对策

Preliminary study on prevention strategies on main geological environment problems caused by coalfield exploitation in Juye,Shandong Province
BU hua,SUN Ying-bo,YE Jing-xia,CHEN Hong-nian. Preliminary study on prevention strategies on main geological environment problems caused by coalfield exploitation in Juye,Shandong Province[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 2007, 18(2): 140-144
Authors:BU hua  SUN Ying-bo  YE Jing-xia  CHEN Hong-nian
Affiliation:Lunan Geological Engineering Survey Institute, Yanzhou 272100, China
Abstract:Juye coalfield is the hugest and highest grade coalfield of Shandong and eastern China. For further understanding the main geological environment problems, organizing plan of reducing and preventingdisaster and making program of harnessing or restoring ecological geology environment, this paper makes a preliminary analysis and survey on the main five effect made by the gob collapse, earth, damage and pollution soil environment, destruction and pollution groundwater resources,mine-drainage, coal-gangue detriment, according to the coalfield geology environment condition, coalfield geology characteristic and project character . At the same time , on the basis of coalfield exploit course program-design program, exploiting construction and closing coalfield, we will put forward to prevention strategies and advice on geology environment problems.
Keywords:Juye coalfield  geological environment problems  gob collapse  prevention strategies
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