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Spectrographic study of Nova Vulpeculae 1976 (NQ VUL)
Affiliation:1. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad 21000, Serbia;1. North Dakota State University, United States;2. University of North Texas, United States;3. Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Abstract:Nova Vulpeculae was observed from November 11 to December 16, 1976, at the Beijing Observatory with the grating spectrograph attached to the Cassegrain focus of the 60/90 Schmidt telescope.This paper gives the idectification of the spectral features, the expansion velocities, the photoionization temperatures, the colour temperatures and the Balmer decrement. In wavelength range λλ 3400 – 6700 the principal lines are of HI, FeII, NaI, NII, CaII, TiII, [OI], [NII] atoms or ions. The majority of lines are of P Cyg type. The expansion velocities as derived from measurements of the absorption spectra amount to about 500 – 2200 km/s. Photoionisation temperatures are higher than the corresponding colour temperatures. They increased as the nova became fainter.
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