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Investigation of runoff generation in a pristine,poorly gauged catchment in the Chilean Andes II: Qualitative and quantitative use of tracers at three spatial scales
Authors:Theresa Blume  Erwin Zehe  Axel Bronstert
Affiliation:University of Potsdam, Institute for Geoecology, Karl‐Liebknecht‐Str.24‐25, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
Abstract:Understanding runoff generation processes is important for flood prediction, water management, erosion control, water quality, contaminant transport and the evaluation of impacts of land use change. However, little process research has been carried out in southern Chile. In particular the young volcanic ash soils, which are typical for this area, are not well understood in their hydrologic behaviour. To establish a ‘reference study’ which can then be used for comparison with other (disturbed) sites, this study focuses on the investigation of runoff generation processes in an undisturbed, forested catchment in the Chilean Andes. The paper reports on an investigation of these processes with different tracer methods at different spatial scales. Hydrograph separation with environmental isotopes and geochemical constituents was used on the catchment scale. Thermal energy was used as a tracer to investigate groundwater–surface water interactions at the local stream reach scale and dye tracers were used to study infiltration and percolation characteristics at the plot scale. It was found that pre‐event water dominates the storm hydrograph. In the lower reaches, however, water usually exfiltrates from the stream into the adjacent aquifer. The dye tracer experiments showed that while preferential vertical flow dominates under forest, water infiltrates as a straight horizontal front in the bare volcanic ashes (no vegetation) on the catchment rim. Subsurface flow patterns in the forest differ significantly from summer to winter. All three approaches used in this study suggest an important shift in dominant processes from dry to wet season. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:dye tracers  stream temperature  hydrograph separation  preferential flow  groundwater‐surface water interaction  volcanic ash soil
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