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Cosmic ray propagation and the star formation history of NGC 1961
Authors:U. Lisenfeld,P. Alexander,G. G. Pooley,&   T. Wilding
Affiliation:Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OHE,;Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Física Teórica y del Cosmos, 18002 Granada, Spain
Abstract:We present new radio continuum data at four frequencies for the supermassive, peculiar galaxy NGC 1961. These observations allow us to separate the thermal and non-thermal radio emission and to determine the non-thermal spectral index distribution. This spectral index distribution in the galactic disc is unusual: at the maxima of the radio emission the synchrotron spectrum is very steep, indicating aged cosmic ray electrons. Away from the maxima the spectrum is much flatter. The steep spectrum of the synchrotron emission at the maxima indicates that a strong decline of the star formation rate has taken place at these sites. The extended radio emission is a sign of recent cosmic ray acceleration, probably by recent star formation. We suggest that a violent event in the past, most likely a merger or a collision with an intergalactic gas cloud, has caused the various unusual features of the galaxy.
Keywords:stars: formation    cosmic rays    galaxies: individual: NGC 1961    galaxies: ISM    galaxies: magnetic fields    radio continuum: galaxies
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