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Reservoir resettlement in China: past experience and the Three Gorges Dam
Authors:Li Heming,Paul Waley,&   Phil Rees
Affiliation:School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT
This paper reviews involuntary resettlement resulting from dam-building, which has been ignored relative to the dominant focus of migration research in China, rural to urban migration. Reservoir resettlement in China has a long history, often of misery and hardship for those displaced. Relocatees affected by the Three Gorges Project (1994–2009) on the Yangtze River face a similar situation. In China priority has been given to building the dam to provide electricity, flood control and navigation. Less attention has been paid to the problems of the people affected by the reservoir inundation. The rural population forced to relocate and rural-urban migrants in general have been discriminated against by national policies.
Keywords:China    reservoirs    resettlement    population mobility    Three Gorges Dam Project    Yangtze River
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