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Applying regional airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveying to understand the architecture of sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems in the Callabonna Sub-basin,Lake Frome region,South Australia
Authors:I. C. Roach  S. Jaireth  M. T. Costelloe
Affiliation:1. Minerals and Natural Hazards Division, Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australiaian.roach@ga.gov.au;3. Minerals and Natural Hazards Division, Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Abstract:The Frome airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was designed to provide reliable pre-competitive AEM data to aid the search for energy and mineral resources around the Lake Frome region of South Australia. Flown in 2010, a total of 32,317 line kilometres of high-quality airborne geophysical data was collected over an area of 95,450 km2 at a flight line spacing mostly of 2.5 km, opening to 5 km spaced lines in the Marree–Strzelecki Desert area to the north. The Lake Frome region hosts a large number of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits with known resources of ~60 000 tonnes of U3O8 including the working In Situ Recovery operations at Beverley, Pepegoona, Pannikin and Honeymoon, and deposits at Four Mile East, Four Mile West, Yagdlin, Goulds Dam, Oban, East Kalkaroo, Yarramba and Junction Dam. The aims of the Frome AEM Survey were to map and interpret critical elements of sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems including basin architecture, paleovalley morphology, sedimentary facies changes, hydrological connections between uranium sources and uranium deposition sites and structures. Interpretations of the data show the utility of regional AEM surveying for mapping crucial elements of sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems as well as for mapping geological surfaces, structures and depth of cover over a wide area. Data from the Frome AEM Survey allow mineral explorers to put their own high-resolution AEM surveys into a regional context. Survey data were used to map and interpret a range of geological features that are associated with, or control the location of, sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems and have been used to assess the uranium prospectivity of new areas to the north of the Flinders Ranges.
Keywords:sandstone-hosted uranium  paleovalley  paleodrainage  airborne electromagnetics  Lake Frome  Flinders Ranges  landscape evolution
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