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Dark Matter from the inflaton field
Authors:A. de la Macorra
Affiliation:Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 04510 Mexico D.F., Mexico Part of the Collaboration Instituto Avanzado de Cosmologia
We present a model where inflation and Dark Matter takes place via a single scalar field ?. Without introducing any new parameters we are able unify inflation and Dark Matter using a scalar field ? that accounts for inflation at an early epoch while it gives a Dark Matter WIMP particle at low energies. After inflation our universe must be reheated and we must have a long period of radiation dominated before the epoch of Dark Matter. Typically the inflaton decays while it oscillates around the minimum of its potential. If the inflaton decay is not complete or sufficient then the remaining energy density of the inflaton after reheating must be fine tuned to give the correct amount of Dark Matter. An essential feature here, is that Dark Matter-Inflaton particle is produced at low energies without fine tuning or new parameters. This process uses the same coupling g as for the inflaton decay. Once the field ? becomes non-relativistic it will decouple as any WIMP particle, since n? is exponentially suppressed. The correct amount of Dark Matter determines the cross section and we have a constraint between the coupling g and the mass mo of ?. The unification scheme we present here has four free parameters, two for the scalar potential V(?) given by the inflation parameter λ of the quartic term and the mass mo. The other two parameters are the coupling g between the inflaton ? and a scalar filed φ and the coupling h between φ with standard model particles ψ or χ. These four parameters are already present in models of inflation and reheating process, without considering Dark Matter. Therefore, our unification scheme does not increase the number of parameters and it accomplishes the desired unification between the inflaton and Dark Matter for free.
Keywords:Inflation   Dark Matter   Unification
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