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引用本文:李明,王钢. 分离式靶标摄影测量在LAMOST中的应用[J]. 天文研究与技术, 2011, 0(3)
作者姓名:李明  王钢
摘    要:为了获取LAMOST焦面板上光纤的零位位置,提出了一种基于分离式标准靶标的高精度摄影测量方法。首先,根据Tsai摄像机标定参数模型介绍了CCD相机的标定原理。然后介绍了用光重心算法求取靶标发光点像面坐标及通过球面三角公式计算靶标发光点物面坐标。接着,利用最小二乘法导出了含标定参数的方程组。最后,介绍了标准靶标的放置方法以及提高光纤位置测量精度的靶标取法。实验结果表明:CCD相机的标定残差平均值为8.8μm;标定残差的标准差为5.3μm。测量方法简单易行,通过仔细分析,找出了残差偏大的原因,对后续进一步测量实验有重要指导意义。

关 键 词:光学测量  LAMOST  分离式靶标摄影测量  球面三角  CCD相机标定  光纤位置  

Application of Photogrammetry with Separate Targets to the LAMOST
Li Ming,Wang Gang. Application of Photogrammetry with Separate Targets to the LAMOST[J]. Astronomical Research & Technology, 2011, 0(3)
Authors:Li Ming  Wang Gang
Affiliation:Li Ming1,Wang Gang2(1.College of Sciences,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China,2.Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy,National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100012,China)
Abstract:In order to obtain optical-fiber zero-point positions in the focal panel of the LAMOST,we present a method of high-precision photogrammetry based on separate calibration targets.First,according to the Tsai camera calibration model,we describe the principle of CCD-camera calibration,which is essentially a mapping from the coordinates of targets in image surface to the coordinates in object plane.We then describe the calculation methods of the coordinates in the image surface and object plane,using a centroid...
Keywords:Optical measurement  LAMOST  Photogrammetry with separate target  Spherical trigonometry  CCD camera calibration  Fiber position  
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