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引用本文:王科英,武安绪,刘学谦,牟凤香,张丽芳,赵文忠. 华北地区地震活动的连续小波时频演化特征研究[J]. 地震地磁观测与研究, 2003, 24(4): 14-18
作者姓名:王科英  武安绪  刘学谦  牟凤香  张丽芳  赵文忠
摘    要:利用Morlet小波变换对华北地区的地震活动进行了小波动态周期分析。结果分析表明,地震活动既存在着比较稳定的周期,也具有一定时变性。华北地区1000年来,特别是1500年以来存在着比较稳定的300年周期和60年左右周期,还有一些不断随时间变化的周期现象,不断地产生和消失。小波分析揭示的历史地震活动的周期时变性,一方面提示我们,在依据地震活动周期规律外推地震趋势时,要应用近期周期分析结果和使用比较稳定的周期成份;另一方面也告诉我们,短周期突变的不可预知性对相对短趋势预测的结果准确度带来很大影响。

关 键 词:小波分析  地震活动性  周期分析  趋势预测

Estimation of variational periods and analysis of evolution characteristic of historical seismicity by using wavelet analysis in North China
Wang Keying),Wu Anxu),Liu Xueqian),Mu Fengxiang),Zhang Lifang),Zhao Wenzhong) ) Institute of Geophysics,China Seismological Bureau,Beijing ,China ) Beijing Seismological Bureau,Beijing ,China ) Seismological Bureau of Henan Province,Zhengzhou ,China. Estimation of variational periods and analysis of evolution characteristic of historical seismicity by using wavelet analysis in North China[J]. Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research, 2003, 24(4): 14-18
Authors:Wang Keying)  Wu Anxu)  Liu Xueqian)  Mu Fengxiang)  Zhang Lifang)  Zhao Wenzhong) ) Institute of Geophysics  China Seismological Bureau  Beijing   China ) Beijing Seismological Bureau  Beijing   China ) Seismological Bureau of Henan Province  Zhengzhou   China
Affiliation:Wang Keying1),Wu Anxu2),Liu Xueqian3),Mu Fengxiang2),Zhang Lifang2),Zhao Wenzhong2) 1) Institute of Geophysics,China Seismological Bureau,Beijing 100081,China 2) Beijing Seismological Bureau,Beijing 100080,China 3) Seismological Bureau of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450000,China
Abstract:In this paper,the dynamic periods of history seismicity have been estimated and evolution characteristic for seismic activity in North China has been analyzed with wavelet method. It has shown that seismicity not only is of period,but also is of time variation. Hence we sure that the characteristic obtained in this paper will be considered in our future seismic prediction works.
Keywords:wavelet analysis  seismicity  period analysis  seismic trend prediction
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