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引用本文:金庆花,朱丽丽,张立新,江永宏. 矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中高光谱遥感技术方法应用的实例[J]. 地质通报, 2009, 28(203): 278-284
作者姓名:金庆花  朱丽丽  张立新  江永宏
作者单位:1. 中国地质调查局发展研究中心,2. 有色金属矿产地质调查中心
摘    要:
近20年来,高光谱遥感技术(Hyperspectral Remote Sensing)发展迅速,已成为遥感技术的前沿,而矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测是高光谱遥感应用中最成功的领域。高光谱遥感技术具有分辨率高的特点,通过对矿物种类、丰度和成分的识别,特别是对与成矿作用、矿山污染源密切相关的蚀变矿物的识别,可以有效地圈定热液矿化蚀变带,定量或半定量地估计相对蚀变强度和蚀变矿物含量,从而进行岩石矿物的分类和填图,并为矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测提供靶区,指导进一步找矿勘探和环境监测工作的开展。介绍了高光谱遥感技术在矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中的应用原理和成像光谱学的逐步完善,并详细列举了高光谱遥感技术在斑岩铜矿、热液型金矿、地浸砂岩型铀矿、油气、金刚石等矿种的找矿方面,以及在矿山废弃物中生成酸和缓冲酸分布的监测等方面的具体案例,以期为中国矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中高光谱遥感技术的应用提供借鉴。

关 键 词:高光谱;矿产资源评价;矿山环境监测;实例

Examples of using hyperspectral remote sensing technology for mineral resource evaluation and mining environment monitoring
JIN Qing-hu,ZHU Li-li,ZHANG Li-xin,JIANG Yong-hong. Examples of using hyperspectral remote sensing technology for mineral resource evaluation and mining environment monitoring[J]. Geologcal Bulletin of China, 2009, 28(203): 278-284
Authors:JIN Qing-hu  ZHU Li-li  ZHANG Li-xin  JIANG Yong-hong
During the past 20 years, it has witnessed a rapid development of hyperspectral remote sensing technology which has been a frontier method of remote sensing widely applied to various fields, of which mineral resource evaluation and mine environment monitoring are the most successful ones. Hyperspectral remote sensing is characterized by high resolution rate, by identification of mineral category, abundance and composition especially of those altered minerals closely linked to mineralization or pollution source, such technology can be used to effectively delineate hydrothermal mineralized alteration zone, and quantitatively and semi-quantitatively estimate relative alteration intensity and content of altered minerals, so as to conduct rock and mineral classification and mapping, which will be a guide for further geological prospecting and mine environment monitoring. This paper introduces basic principles of hyperspectral remote sensing used in related fields and has given a thorough developing progress of imaging spectroscopy. Then the authors specified some indicative examples in terms of porphyry copper, hydrothermal gold, oil and gas, kimberlite and ISL sandstone-type uranium deposits, as well as application in mine environment monitoring of generating and buffering acid from mine wastes.
Keywords:hyperspectral remote sensing   mineral resources evaluation   mine environment monitoring   examples
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