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Chemical composition and physical properties of lithium-iron micas from the Krušné hory Mts. (Erzgebirge)
Authors:Milan Rieder  Miroslav Huka  Dagmar Kučerová  Luděk Minařík  Jiří Obermajer  Pavel Povondra
Affiliation:(1) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA;(2) Present address: Ústav geologických v"ecaron"d University Karlovy (Institute of Geological Sciences, Charles University), Albertov 6, Praha 2, Czechoslovakia;(3) Úst"rcaron"ední ústav geologický (Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia), Praha, Czechoslovakia;(4) "Ccaron"eskoslovenská akademie v"ecaron"d (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), Praha, Czechoslovakia
Compositions of natural lithium-iron micas are approximated best by the sidero-phyllite-polylithionite join. These micas contain little or no magnesium and manganese. Their octahedral sheets contain close to two trivalent cations (mainly aluminum) in small crystallographic sites and a variable quantity of lithium and R+2 (mainly iron) in large sites. Octahedral vacancies are situated mostly in large sites. Lithium and R+2 approach a 4ratio4 replacement relationship in micas with octahedral occupancy close to six. Lithium and fluorine show a good positive correlation (small excess of fluorine over lithium), which indicates a crystallochemical association between them. There is a less distinct positive correlation between lithium and R+4.Based on simplifications, a calculation shows that about two-thirds of octahedral vacancies are caused by substitutions within the octahedral sheet, one-third, by tetrahedral substitutions. Different methods of calculating the crystallochemical formula yield slightly different numbers of octahedral vacancies, but do not affect the mica's position in plots of physical parameters against composition. If a crystallochemical formula is calculated from analysis of a mica contaminated with quartz, topaz, or feldspar, the apparent number of octahedral vacancies increases; such a formula exhibits unusual behavior in composition plots.
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