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引用本文:陈陆望,白世伟,李一帆. 开采倾斜近地表矿体地表及围岩变形陷落的模型试验研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2006, 27(6): 885-889
作者姓名:陈陆望  白世伟  李一帆
作者单位:中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,武汉 430071
摘    要:
以某铜矿矿山一典型地质剖面为原型,运用物理概化模型试验,采用网格数字摄影测量方法量测模型剖面全场位移,分析了开采倾斜近地表矿体地表及围岩变形陷落随不同开挖步的变化规律。在模型试验中,开挖-75 m~-45 m之间的矿体,围岩扰动范围及地表下沉位移逐渐增大,第7步开挖完成后,采空区上方岩体开始出现离层,第9步开挖完成后,地表1~4测点之间形成一明显沉陷盆地,最大下沉位移达825 mm。模型试验研究的结果与现场及离散元数值计算结果基本吻合。

关 键 词:采矿工程  岩石力学  倾斜近地表矿体  变形陷落  模型试验  

Model test study on deformation and subsidence of ground surface and surrounding rock caused by exploiting inclining mine near surface
CHEN Lu-wang,BAI Shi-wei,LI Yi-fan. Model test study on deformation and subsidence of ground surface and surrounding rock caused by exploiting inclining mine near surface[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2006, 27(6): 885-889
Authors:CHEN Lu-wang  BAI Shi-wei  LI Yi-fan
Affiliation:Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China
Based on the prototype of the representative geological section plane of a copper mine, the physical general model test is made to analyze deformation and subsidence of ground surface and surrounding rock with different excavating steps by grid digital photography which is used to measure full-field displacement of model section plane. In the model test, once mines between –75m and –45m are excavated; the influence zone of surrounding rock and the subsidence displacement of surface become greater and greater. Thus, the rocks above the cavity begin to separate from surrounding rocks after the 7th excavating step and the zone from No 1 testing point to No 4 testing point form a subsidence basin obviously after the 9th excavating step. The result of model test is almost consistent with the result of UDEC( The Universal Distinct Element Code) and the in-situ circumstance.
Keywords:mining engineering   rock mechanics   inclining mine near surface   deformation and subsidence   model test
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