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引用本文:陈军,陈利军,李然,廖安平,彭舒,鲁楠,张宇硕. 基于GlobeLand30的全球城乡建设用地空间分布与变化统计分析[J]. 测绘学报, 2015, 44(11): 1181-1188. DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2015.20140677
作者姓名:陈军  陈利军  李然  廖安平  彭舒  鲁楠  张宇硕
作者单位:1. 国家基础地理信息中心, 北京 100830;2. 西南交通大学地球科学与环境工程学院, 四川 成都 611756;3. 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院, 北京 100875
摘    要:
城乡建设用地分布与变化是人类活动的直观标志和生态足迹,在环境变化研究、地理国(世)情监测和可持续发展研究等方面发挥着重要作用。以往人们对一些城市、区域或国家的城乡建设用地分布与变化进行过较为深入系统的研究,但在全球尺度上,这方面研究尚为空白。本文是利用我国自主研制的世界上首套30m空间分辨率全球地表覆盖数据集GlobeLand30的人造地表数据层,首次开展了全球城乡建设用地的空间分布及变化的统计分析。它采用用地面积、构成占比和增量占比等主要指标,统计全球范围内城乡建设用地的空间分布及2000年至2010年10年间的变化,重点分析了2010年全球、各大洲及主要国家的城乡建设用地分布现状与地域差异,2000年至2010年全球、主要国家的建设用地变化以及其主要土地来源。研究结果表明,2010年全球城乡建设用地总面积为118.75×104km2,占全球陆表面积的0.88%;2000年至2010年全球城乡建设用地面积增加了5.74×104 km2,变化率为5.08%,其中,中国和美国新增城乡建设用地约占全球的一半;新增城乡建设用地占用最多的是耕地,占总量的50.26%。这些为研究全球陆表人类活动的空间分布特征与变化趋势提供了翔实的信息和知识。

关 键 词:GlobeLand30  全球地表覆盖  城乡建设用地  空间格局  时空变化  统计分析  

Spatial Distribution and Ten Years Change of Global Bui lt-up Areas Derived from GlobeLand30
CHEN Jun,CHEN Lijun,LI Ran,LIAO Anping,PENG Shu,LU Nan,ZHANG Yushuo. Spatial Distribution and Ten Years Change of Global Bui lt-up Areas Derived from GlobeLand30[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2015, 44(11): 1181-1188. DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2015.20140677
Authors:CHEN Jun  CHEN Lijun  LI Ran  LIAO Anping  PENG Shu  LU Nan  ZHANG Yushuo
Affiliation:1. National Geomatics Center of China, Beijing 100830, China;2. Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China;3. School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, ChinaAbstract
As an important anthropogenic indicator and human ecological foot print,bui lt-up areas and its change is an essential information for envi ronmental change analysis,geo-conditional monitoring and sustainable development.In the past,bui lt-up areas and its change studies were mainly focused on a city, regional or nation scale,and it has not been possible to conduct a global bui lt-up areas and its change analysis yet.This paper presented the methodology and results of the fi rst global analysis of bui lt-up areas and its ten year’s change (2000-2010)using GlobeLand30,China’s 30 meter resolution global land cover data sets-.Bui lt-up areas,change rate and increase proportion were the major statistical variables used for the statistical analysis.The result shows that the total area of the global bui lt-up areas is 1.187 5 mi l l ion km2 ,covering 0.88% of the total area of the global land surface;the area of global bui lt-up areas increased 57 400 km2 with the variation rate of 5.08% from 2000 to 2010;and China and United Sates are the top two countries having the largest increased bui lt-up areas,i.e.,accounting over 50% of that of the global total;50.26% of the total increased bui lt-up areas comes from the arable land.These results provide rel iable spatio-temporal information to the study of human domination of Earth’s ecosystems and global monitoring.
Keywords:GlobeLand30  globall and cover  built-up areas  spatial distribution  temporal change  statistical analysis
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