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引用本文:陈 勇,葛云锦. 实验研究碳酸盐岩储层烃类包裹体捕获模式[J]. 岩矿测试, 2010, 29(3): 217-220
作者姓名:陈 勇  葛云锦
摘    要:在接近实际储层的温压条件下,利用人工合成烃类包裹体研究了碳酸盐岩储层烃类包裹体的捕获模式。人工合成烃类包裹体实验研究证实,在含油气条件下可以通过矿物晶体缺陷的愈合而形成烃类包裹体。根据矿物晶体缺陷类型和包裹体岩相学特征,可以把烃类包裹体的捕获模式分为4种:点缺陷型、线缺陷型、面缺陷型和体缺陷型。由于矿物晶体生长过程中点缺陷和线缺陷容易愈合,多数包裹体以这两种模式形成。点缺陷型包裹体体积一般较小,不方便分析;而线缺陷型包裹体体积变化较大;面缺陷型包裹体数量较少,一般厚度较薄;体缺陷型包裹体由于难以形成因而数量很少。结合天然样品对比,线缺陷型次生包裹体是最常见的,也是分析中用到最多的包裹体类型。

关 键 词:碳酸盐岩储层  人工合成烃类包裹体  捕获模式

Experimental Study on the Modes of Hydrocarbon-bearing Inclusion Trapped in Carbonate Rock Reservoirs
CHEN Yong and GE Yun-jin. Experimental Study on the Modes of Hydrocarbon-bearing Inclusion Trapped in Carbonate Rock Reservoirs[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2010, 29(3): 217-220
Authors:CHEN Yong and GE Yun-jin
Affiliation:College of Geo-resources and Information, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266555, China;College of Geo-resources and Information, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266555, China
Abstract:Under the simulation from the actual reservoir temperature and pressure conditions, hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions were synthesized and the modes of hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions forming in carbonate rock reservoirs were studied. Results from synthetic hydrocarbon-bearing inclusion experiments show that the hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions can be trapped through healing the crystalline imperfections under reservoir bearing gas and oil condition. According to the types of crystalline imperfections and the petrographic characteristics of inclusions, the modes of hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions trapped can be divided into four groups, point defect mode, line defect mode, face defect mode and space defect mode. Because the inclusions trapped in point defect and the line defect modes can be easily healed during the growth of mineral crystals, most inclusions formed in these two modes. Inclusions trapped in point defect mode are commonly in small size and not easy to be analyzed. The inclusions trapped in line defect usually have different volumes. The number of inclusions trapped in face defect mode is less and usually thinner. And the space defect mode is difficult to form inclusions. Compared to the natural samples, secondary inclusions trapped in line defect mode are the most common ones and also the most common ones in inclusion analysis.
Keywords:carbonate rock reservoir  synthetic hydrocarbon-bearing inclusion  trap mode
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