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引用本文:杨文斌,卢琦,吴波,杨红艳,赵爱国,王晶莹,胡小龙. 低覆盖度不同配置灌丛内风流结构与防风效果的风洞实验[J]. 中国沙漠, 2007, 27(5): 791-796
作者姓名:杨文斌  卢琦  吴波  杨红艳  赵爱国  王晶莹  胡小龙
作者单位:1. 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所/国家林业局/中国防治荒漠化研究与发展中心,北京,100091;内蒙古林业科学研究院,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010010
2. 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所/国家林业局/中国防治荒漠化研究与发展中心,北京,100091
3. 内蒙古林业科学研究院,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010010
4. 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,甘肃,兰州,730000
摘    要:
 低覆盖度灌木群丛是干旱、半干旱区广泛分布且具有重要意义的植被,也是人工修复沙地应遵从的植被。通过风洞试验模拟了覆盖度在20%左右的三种水平配置格局的灌木群丛内风流结构与防风固沙效果。结果表明:①水平配置格局不同,低覆盖度灌木群丛的防风效果差异显著,行带式模式具有非常显著的阻碍和降低风速的作用(风速降低36%~43%);等株行距模式次之,风速降低7%~28%;随机不均匀配置模式内局部有风速抬升现象,② 行带式模式内形成规整的随灌丛带波动的流场结构,而随机不均匀配置模式内形成由多个风影区和风速加速区组合的非常复杂的流场结构,等株行距模式居于二者之间。③ 带间宽度在56 cm和64 cm时的防风效果较带宽为32 cm和40 cm好。说明覆盖度降低到11%~13%,行带式模式的防风效果仍然不会降低。④两行一带配置均表现防风效果优于单行配置,且随试验风速的增大防风效果更好。

关 键 词:灌木群丛  低覆盖度  风洞实验  风流结构  防风效果

Wind Tunnel Experiment on Wind Flow Structure and Windbreak Effect within Low-covered Shrubs under Different Arrangements
YANG Wen-bin,LU Qi,WU Bo,YANG Hong-yan,ZHAO Ai-guo,WANG Jing-ying,Huu Xiao-long. Wind Tunnel Experiment on Wind Flow Structure and Windbreak Effect within Low-covered Shrubs under Different Arrangements[J]. ournal of Desert Research, 2007, 27(5): 791-796
Authors:YANG Wen-bin  LU Qi  WU Bo  YANG Hong-yan  ZHAO Ai-guo  WANG Jing-ying  Huu Xiao-long
Affiliation:1. Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100091, China; 2. Inner Mongolia Academy of Forestry Science, Hohhot 010010, China; 3. Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
Low-overed shrub is a kind of vegetation that widely distributes and has important significance in arid and semi-rid areas, and is also the reference vegetation that should be obeyed in restoring. The paper simulated the wind flow structure and windbreak effect of different arranged shrub at about 20% coverage in wind tunnel. Results have been obtained as follows: ①The windbreak effect of the three patterns is the best within the belt pattern, reducing wind speed at 36%~43%; second within the equal-istance pattern, reducing wind speed at 7%~28%; the worst within the random-istributing pattern, and even wind speed increased in some places. ②The flow field structure of belt pattern is regular, that of random pattern is complicated, and that of equal-istance pattern lies between the above two. ③As for belt pattern, the windbreak effect is better when inter|belt distance is 56 cm or 64 cm than is 32 cm or 40 cm, showing that the windbreak effect didn’t weaken when the vegetation coverage decreased to 11%~13%. ④The windbreak effect of “two-row in one-belt pattern” is better than that of single-low pattern, and even more effective when wind speed increased to some extent.
Keywords:shrub  low coverage  wind tunnel experiment  wind flow field  windbreak effect
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