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Optimization of Cell Parameterizations for Tomographic Inverse Problems
Authors:W. Spakman  H. Bijwaard
Affiliation:Vening Meinesz Research School of Geodynamics Institute of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands. E-mail: wims@geo.uu.nl, NL
—?We develop algorithms for the construction of irregular cell (block) models for parameterization of tomographic inverse problems. The forward problem is defined on a regular basic grid of non-overlapping cells. The basic cells are used as building blocks for construction of non-overlapping irregular cells. The construction algorithms are not computationally intensive and not particularly complex, and, in general, allow for grid optimization where cell size is determined from scalar functions, e.g., measures of model sampling or a priori estimates of model resolution. The link between a particular cell j in the regular basic grid and its host cell k in the irregular grid is provided by a pointer array which implicitly defines the irregular cell model. The complex geometrical aspects of irregular cell models are not needed in the forward or in the inverse problem. The matrix system of tomographic equations is computed once on the regular basic cell model. After grid construction, the basic matrix equation is mapped using the pointer array on a new matrix equation in which the model vector relates directly to cells in the irregular model. Next, the mapped system can be solved on the irregular grid. This approach avoids forward computation on the complex geometry of irregular grids. Generally, grid optimization can aim at reducing the number of model parameters in volumes poorly sampled by the data while elsewhere retaining the power to resolve the smallest scales warranted by the data. Unnecessary overparameterization of the model space can be avoided and grid construction can aim at improving the conditioning of the inverse problem. We present simple theory and optimization algorithms in the context of seismic tomography and apply the methods to Rayleigh-wave group velocity inversion and global travel-time tomography.
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