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Numerical simulation of mitigation for liquefaction-induced soil deformations in a sandy ground improved by cement grouting
Authors:Yu Huang  Feng Zhang  Atsushi Yashima  Weimin Ye
Affiliation:(1) Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China;(2) Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan;(3) Department of Civil Engineering, Gifu University, Gifu 501-1193, Japan
Abstract:This paper presents a numerical study of mitigation for liquefaction during earthquake loading. Analyses are carried out using an effective stress based, fully coupled, hybrid, finite element-finite differences approach. The sandy soil behavior is described by means of a cyclic elastoplastic constitutive model, which was developed within the framework of a nonlinear kinematic hardening rule. In theory, the philosophies of mitigation for liquefaction can be summarized as two main concepts, i.e. prevention of excess pore water pressure generation and reduction of liquefaction-induced deformations. This paper is primarily concerned with the latter approach to liquefaction mitigation. Firstly, the numerical method and the analytical procedure are briefly outlined. Subsequently, a case-history study, which includes a liquefaction mitigation technique of cement grouting for ground improvement of a sluice gate, is conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of liquefaction countermeasures. Special emphasis is given to the computed results of excess pore water pressures, displacements, and accelerations during the seismic excitation. Generally, the distinctive patterns of seismic response are accurately reproduced by the numerical simulation. The proposed numerical method is thus considered to capture the fundamental aspects of the problems investigated, and yields results for design purposes. From the results in the case, excess pore water pressures eventually reach fully liquefied state under the input earthquake loading and this cannot be prevented. However, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading of the foundation soils can be effectively reduced by the liquefaction mitigation techniques. An erratum to this article can be found at
Keywords:Earthquakes  Liquefaction mitigation  Soil deformations  Coupled analysis  Cyclic elastoplastic constitutive models  Finite element methods
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