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引用本文:艾智勇,成志勇. 层状地基中轴向受荷单桩的边界元法分析[J]. 岩土力学, 2009, 30(5): 1522-1526
作者姓名:艾智勇  成志勇
作者单位:同济大学 地下建筑与工程系 岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室,上海 200092
摘    要:以层状地基内部作用一竖向集中力时的广义Mindlin解作为边界单元法的基本解,对层状地基中的轴向受荷单桩进行了分析,对基本解的奇异性处理方法进行了改进。考虑了桩的可压缩性和长径比对桩-土荷载传递规律和沉降特性的影响,编制了计算程序,并进行了数值分析和计算。结果表明,该方法具有较快的计算速度和良好的计算精度。

关 键 词:层状地基  广义Mindlin解  边界元法  轴向受荷单桩  奇异性  

Analysis of axially loaded pile in layered soils by boundary element method
AI Zhi-yong,CHENG Zhi-yong. Analysis of axially loaded pile in layered soils by boundary element method[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2009, 30(5): 1522-1526
Authors:AI Zhi-yong  CHENG Zhi-yong
Affiliation:Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China
Abstract:Based on the extended Mindlin solution of a vertical point load in the interior of a layered elastic medium, boundary element method is used to analyze an axially loaded pile in a layered soil system. The method to deal with the singularity of fundamental solution has been improved. The influence of the compressibility of pile and the ratio between length and diameter on the load transfer between pile and soil and the settlement pile foundation are taken into account. Numerical calculation and analysis indicate that good and reasonable results can be acquired using the method presented.
Keywords:layered soil  extended Mindlin solution  boundary element method  axially loaded pile  singularity
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