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Prediction of wave parameters by using fuzzy logic approach
Authors:Mehmet   zger,Zekai   en
Affiliation:aIstanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Hydraulics Division, Maslak 34469, Istanbul, Turkey
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between wind speed, previous and current wave characteristics. It is expected that such a non-linear relationship includes some uncertainties. A fuzzy inference system employing fuzzy IF–THEN rules has an ability to deal with ill-defined and uncertain systems. Compared with traditional approaches, fuzzy logic is more efficient in linking the multiple inputs to a single output in a non-linear domain. In this paper, a sophisticated intelligent model, based on Takagi–Sugeno (TS) fuzzy modeling principles, was developed to predict the changes in wave characteristics such as significant wave height and zero up-crossing period due to the wind speed. Past measurements of significant wave height values and wind speed variables are used for training the adaptive model and it is then employed to predict the significant wave height amounts for future time intervals such as 1, 3, 6 and 12 h. The verification of the proposed model is achieved through the wave characteristics time series plots and various numerical error criterias. Also the model results were compared with classical Auto Regressive Moving Average with exogenous input (ARMAX) models. For the application of the proposed approach the offshore station located in the Pacific Ocean was used.
Keywords:Significant wave height   Fuzzy model   Prediction   Wave power
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