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引用本文:刁秀广,杨晓霞,朱君鉴,王俊,黄秀韶. 一次长寿命风暴的CINRAD/SA雷达反射率及中气旋产品特征与流场结构分析[J]. 高原气象, 2008, 27(3): 657-667
作者姓名:刁秀广  杨晓霞  朱君鉴  王俊  黄秀韶
作者单位:1. 山东省气象台,山东,济南,250031
2. 山东气象科学研究所,山东,济南,250031
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 , 山东省气象局科学技术研究项目
摘    要:利用济南观测站的探空、涡度、地面资料和CINRAD/SA雷达产品,对2004年6月24日发生在山东西部地区的强风暴过程进行了分析。结果表明,风暴低层存在中尺度辐合现象,风暴前侧的入流依靠后部低层冷空气池的向前推进而得到支撑,产生逆环境风切变方向的主上升气流区;中层为双涡旋结构,这种深厚的内部涡旋结构可与环境风相持,形成近似刚体的风暴柱,环境风绕风暴而过,不会吹穿风暴,有利于风暴长时间维持;风暴成熟阶段表现为超级单体结构特征并伴有中气旋;三体散射(TBSS)出现在中高层,TBSS出现10~15 min后地面出现大冰雹,TBSS消失后维持10~20 min的降雹。

关 键 词:中气旋  三体散射  大冰雹生长区  双涡管式结构

The Air Flow Structure and Characteristic of CINRAD-Products in a Long-Life Storm
DIAO Xiu-guang,YANG Xiao-xia,ZHU Jun-jian,WANG Jun,HUANG Xiu-shao. The Air Flow Structure and Characteristic of CINRAD-Products in a Long-Life Storm[J]. Plateau Meteorology, 2008, 27(3): 657-667
Authors:DIAO Xiu-guang  YANG Xiao-xia  ZHU Jun-jian  WANG Jun  HUANG Xiu-shao
Abstract:Using the soundingdata,vorticity,surface temperature,wind vector and Jinan-CINRAD/SA products such as reflectivity,base velocity,mesocyclone and VIL in a long-life severe hailstorm in west Shandong Province on 24 June 2004,the stormstructurewas analysed.The results show that there was cyclonic-convergenceat low level.The updraft was sustained by a strong cold air pool near the surface in the back of storm,an upshear tiltingmain-updraft was built in the front of storm.The double-vortex flow pattern,which can resistthe environmentalairflow,was built form mid to mid-high levels.The storm was hard to be blown away by environmental airflow,and persisted long time.The storm had the characteristicsof supercell storm,and accompanied with mesocyclones.The !Three-Body Scatter Spike"-TBSS was detected at mid-high levels of the storm,and it precededthe largest surface hailfall by 10~15minutes.Hailfall lasted 10~20minutes after the disappearanceof the TBSS.
Keywords:Mesocyclone  TBSS  Large hail growth region  Double-vortex flow pattern
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