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引用本文:王莉莉,徐会文,赵大军,韩丽丽,宋佳宇,Pavel Talalay. 南极冰层取心钻探钻井液对雪层影响的模拟研究[J]. 探矿工程, 2013, 40(12): 1-4
作者姓名:王莉莉  徐会文  赵大军  韩丽丽  宋佳宇  Pavel Talalay
作者单位:[1]吉林大学建设工程学院,吉林长春130026 [2]中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所,河北廊坊065000
摘    要:
深冰层取心钻探是极地科学考察的重要组成部分。在极地勘探取样过程中做到在获得高质量冰岩心样品的同时,将钻井液对极地环境的污染降低到最低程度,对保护极地原生环境具有重要意义。依据南极科学钻探的地层条件,应用Visual Modflow建立了污染物在雪层中的运移模型,在污染物浓度保持恒定时,对钻孔内污染物进行了数值模拟,预测了10年后污染物在雪中污染羽扩散范围。在此基础上,对比分析了不同弥散系数时,雪对污染物弥散的能力。极地科学钻探使用的钻井液粘度通常是水的10倍,随着污染物粘度的增大,其扩散的距离也将相应减少。研究结果为深入开展极地冰层取心钻探钻井液对极地环境影响评价研究奠定了重要的理论与技术基础。

关 键 词:南极冰钻  钻井液  雪层  VisualModflow  溶质运移  弥散系数  渗透系数  污染物

Simulation on the Influence of Drilling Fluids in Antarctic Ice Core Drilling on Snow Layer
WANG Li-li,XU Hui-wen,ZHAO Da-jun,HAN Li-li,SONG Jia-yu and Pavel Talalay. Simulation on the Influence of Drilling Fluids in Antarctic Ice Core Drilling on Snow Layer[J]. Exploration Engineering:Rock & Soil Drilling and Tunneling, 2013, 40(12): 1-4
Authors:WANG Li-li  XU Hui-wen  ZHAO Da-jun  HAN Li-li  SONG Jia-yu  Pavel Talalay
Affiliation:WANG Li-li,XU Hui-wen,ZHAO Da-jun,HAN Li-li,SONG Jia-yu,Pavel Talalay ( 1. College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University, Changchnn Jilin 130026, China; 2. The Institute of Exploration Techniques, CAGS, Langfang Hebei 065000, China)
Deep ice core drilling is an important constituent part of the polar scientific research.In polar exploration sam-pling process, at the same time of achieving high quality samples, the drilling fluid pollution to the polar region should be reduced to the lowest degree, which has great significance to the polar native environment protection.According to the stra-tum conditions of the polar scientific drilling, a transport model of pollutant in the snow layer is established by Visual Modf-low.When the pollutants concentration maintains constant, numerical simulation for the borehole pollutants is made to pre-dict the pollutants in snow plume diffusion range in a decade.On this basis, contrastive analysis is made on the pollutant dispersion ability of snow under different dispersion coefficient.The drilling fluid used in the polar is 10 times that of wa-ter, with the increase of pollutants viscosity, the diffusion range will also be reduced correspondingly.This study result lays the important theoretical and technical basis for the evaluation of the influence of drilling fluid used in polar ice core drilling on the polar environment.
Keywords:Antarctic ice core drilling  drilling fluid  snow  Visual Modflow  solute transport  dispersion coefficient  per-meability coefficient  pollutant
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